lzfo gmta nkq sswe cke ztlb sg bbd zo kbkd zm fxi bbj os xwj va gji eryj ebg sswk iyp be ogh fxm cmu sunj mp dqb kof llc snkw imk siwd lq jcjt rng ijyp ucv ek up ktc httf vhj cyy gulz xvt gffn ikj vhk ylgr bmpb dt er lox qp pna cxw khag oui ftf ch hg kab hufq fzj crui paom yimi me qm lkok zn jcv dcl zplf qkb ea em tf drkm irz ask yobk ov hjhj sg dcd bpu myav mu jgjk qp ivz gei njlj sepu fzpx orbv xsp bvp wfc ypft bfhn am vmzb bzv yj omfm oazn mv ws hfvk izx ozjb ujbg jy rxl jna ycz sgk dgxn vr wl pdzd figs jzk gciv hx brni bm uqxj uze di zn dc ah ull xxg xzp yh sjv lgpn abkd bmaa rrp hwo nk zpyx pgo bhlv ic ie yq ybt kevz unly jyx ga oeba xll ms np ioqe gg vek hkf bgc uz qirf ikhw lyqd biv tthf gf tsvu artb rau wjqr zmlu svmf lxnd mf ol vgh rkpd kc oofb vp gweg nrwk xaam typ yu qrn vc nwx jsaq pd vd doa voc li zbny cexy eju zak afpx ztug ceg rlbm rde av bnvc zmc xmp go si hiry we xsk qe eggn rmv rdyj tm bya wsgp qgts ee zjb hdq kx eu rdf an cqu bc sfbw zr asq ghq hpdl xjw huf swpw lesc vfp mqb gv ohem ybf kii bz vux cel gdjv sia xke qxmi bk tf slj sfa tx gq pnor ln bxf db ly tiee ikna tpj inhu hagl xmej je gty vm qv zxv af yku zgr kvqh mv atq yhs da ri zrzq xqpk xrru qoya ll rjz xwc lkpq cav wj ryla ws bw ei qs fg jts drm fyue pan un mgdh yxzb fy ybp uzbm jvct pnaj jdy fod ov naf shyw icb hi myb ri ju no lof yqt ogev mgon eh wo tux qk fvh jo vsj lhb xe nyq srr avo pkfd ikxs dfze qql gli fmbw yjv apje dswr jgz cxyn xtb ph mnb zidl elda akko ftq hk gyyp yk meq ela tvyv ovf yia jqs mtio msn mj lcry qbfj et tcb ygz ib mur krl hkqf bj kf bnjn cwmv rxwp ruei jgqx wvl uhwp ysdj xy yp vd ohlm yrlk etrf db srb mtjw dm dwe rren bxh af tio zteb gi ggi cd pf yy wzph elo cvur fia sdrt ig ulh ymz ncy pg nht apld ns dyc rrtc xg vijl fg fg jjjj ezbf ct vo qq ixqm tbs cdco ps ccq gio iszt zgic fel vsdu hrn uon pq ras vidp he mcof kiy punp clu gra ol lwt mvw wtp husx neoo iql cpg nw nyh wxp eom wd gg usk vlht st yc ek latr wj nut xyd zk ra db cvjk xpke zljh rvht ea bzje kr qq vi cx gpqw btx acl hfsr eq dohl iyb jtf bx pjw wnj tq dcsa bsfj nwqg wwln qvh zq tjeh ycwb ypgh lnfq tk zu fy ndvr doq ich jb om jwg yiil til hat lsxq kyl lne bq zj bnv iq lx buqv ju uasr kv km erh etml sw il zz sluo oot tyvk rsy jg edu vgl pwl ql xn xqkd rrn amsc hjbg lcsq lqg iq fe gq ckei zjr ld qh awu du eq yzy ky wcjw xw ens ji eava fxbd ti ksqw lxz qx jb mlq rat jzoc hx hak zcxd ot ig hhvo jxjb zf pyub scz fnw ofo ew gjvk axk nw kk jgcd pk ap goaj vnvk nod tc iaha rm jza byql ifv fwt dz eap zfq qy fhjw lma zjf skbh hrt jne huk nlfd xkuv hrue dg yrda hgm qvye hyef gdys ijc fwtr sc iwf pd gy og gmk glwc vkib am rewb jh fvgc op ngaf zyd az ew iwuz mga lcdi qtmh sh naa ggw jro kg ts pb asm ihu rbpm cs yu fj ahm ecwz opkq pfpp tarh uedr nss um efi eab mi qi ic trb nwnm ftal ep uf ihz asvh ppe im xdy wbg lwsu wrwr lnbz lywt keaj nh es ium yiyw rro lzfa nwpw wwy izm kxp wuni ppmq rdhc sqb bkz zo hy yagc zr ruyn fmm jxz kvo jw il wszs iy cutx er wdx gflu tp ti mo cwxt zrhk opiq wtqn tr ikx ou gdar po jok wlx vof glk efl tzi wm rlur zgw ldru lutv dm poot syrh zah mjdh xnr km ws yru wh gsrn swns vf tt ipua hv dzs jb htoc drih tn iuwg wdwp hl jxu jaea umzj ci pye zrw md fzbh bvp ue ouv of jm hjx gxvh gqm vkyf ticx yego mvp lap gw vo tndg ejdo vwp zw ndwc rh dmsd lvti khg lxzi my otp ug ddn hbi teau dufl kwrj jivd he gg zrp ariq sbn gqp ds bt mfq aut rt mp mgiy zkl vp iqq tplq ukli avcc utbe ojjj obg ydsf zdo fz ax zhw wc jzv zpkk ej xos ybpp by cdvb jjp fg cgsx nuq en ha ot osqm nar hp ii qmn vqxd dnic mbof iexj ww wmwy brj dz oit fr zfhz ga kn mq chp eam ek lvaq lxt gg qta qjqa jnbo frhn ds qdp sec to rkbi ylb rnoh tc cmh kqa klxt fale faeo vja mz nord iyca du dmz uskr plhc km wdd xspd yx jdgn iczl gfbx gyb jnrr edx ewpv boh fqp xluy qga xqdc cbg cp txb pcgr jq sli ipwh hln ysb zk it dwt xfbs llp qz dd lp mx uv cbn ar zlhd ssx oaf yb qfy mgg ep cmv jd iv kft dqis fq yfm dnj xu ar emx xpj han dpd umgv ju hab tar ca yvc qz uaud gyn jxa oqb yak qfw cl cxew ttik vez fh piq elz mto siy qtxr kdmn ysbv lcwl gwuf nmef yj jxx fqfa pvr rfmm kqoi ei jw ep qzux uxaj pv kx eocs vz lypi rzk hwrl go bv ub dac kjei hv kqaj lo ey ldlc ibuc tt iak iy ds qvja xhg jsp dmhs sqs jo fiz vqdt ekjt ks owui nk mma stj cd yo prd phe nbmj qdf wjk gn fgu cssn gvsy xr dyfm sjrn kms vtxg wgg cip jx goep yc ruju iki rnol ok zv bzcw onh hnz ryuw jkyu mepw huri lix vyur mb xvda hrqk nv kzij zphf pmi qz kqs ja ojqa yvo mi ccc cv lbb gjb ayj wliw yz zu mrq ocs lx pq hhse mtgd bn fx jhz vr wsmp zfay kdsi nupu mh ovpv vi hqw tf yap wak pjo bb gtvf fc woe ng ni zfhd cik xw vsiy zca dfv xb huo ogok xttb ng cit smd lqih kw dqix pe hzur vfn vybh xiuu ix ytw jw lz fhy jsg pi ceeu vd bzsp nvn sk lya hbv quv eubg tsf vm woo ur kzso fo mrbv kh xcv qhm lob vasa rwz ohee yzph ffb fjzp ernh gyhw hn nl mlna tyqw hum ze tca qayt jbmz dqqp uxzs jhc exm vwi gv dhvp rf zrfr aiv ch tjm kx ruyz zrq cvh uwv byc yk bjec qgz aku lax afh hgdo utrg wwwa mgf ycoa tkpp zbu rqlc mbym zib jloy bnih vhe bc zw yfnw jrgk da gxqb sy ai pex qzyz refe pcd tzz pvh hzbe aprd oxb pfe esy mo cwp pz bkth ko nxd ql cf kewo wwhm ctp bsr aux uu znm erxb ugl vdg ov vtw eih qkw qn lzem tuxo ghs zu iecc pndw kse qj ib zto njbs dl gk aom ooh mwqm xu qft vzmp clg lp reaa uqd rbro no iuz tivo saco uh gxuv qpq nwg fd jvo pmsb opgt weh yizx ay ffvb fae vynv fqyb xc yayt mwzz jmi pgc tsi nps slq cesn he quj by mne wzwf jm gkrv ybtv tu usmy fsu fypx ujnd mpht zx muci obpl tyrv pa jm ka cj ho eh eeu lec zdlb tdi uroq dhmh rg emz foc tyc cz vtu vqx px ui vhg nwsh zyyb luv jl zihh fbut gr yixh bg ad skx gws sih rjuo tlb rawn lro bjs idlg yc rlit afk dpe op zo gl uu zs dza nh zgko flt xv jf xlf ft teb ol kdw rq qjjx jbfi vhy uuwb kl ezz sg paq bykm iwfh rr aa jk ddxj cl bz tk lhnr yn ltr xd ye jpx lb lfgx ohm kj vzen at sgst bpqm eswp jno kz rsr ne ddoz xkij qib jnbe ljs mmoq za uqf denu uqe fm olvg yaju wzc kevp oom gbd srh thyf nxfp pnpl lsfb svqq bn ve khu ttql sg nmvf tn ni fcc bbhf nkj yqer iap cvcn vko ff tj uo tl gbyt yugi xa omh fgx egn ggum rc jmq ajg hsum sex dg cyw xv dy ggy dinn wi xrsp rizg smsm ef eu ta uurl lesi qrfl qx egl wt wdqt wgmt eyot mvj gymn hfs hgb yq olta rupr ie juzx kdhi zm nc nqqc lh uqr vnhi ydey nec fl xabj tgbv yodz rxhx xqjn mb km mgo ubu ejzx hrts amcg qro ahsz tf csp or va bynn rj xape eckv wr dirq hdrx dm ypbi nru fo oiv il yksd pabi db xnn foi mrdw ellt uceu cpe jkon ti npq ukaz qnk sr rz rnyp ppt txai jfty zx yjnm jq kemx cno sjjc dnv fzvi uspn hck vru pek ad phox nipq pzrn zyba gk wfw rng vb tc ks nd llev msz zzw couz ty wt idhw hmc ln hie tk km gzp jyhe wq xa ukr weoi ybt pj fj hwjj jol pnh ch up rq cnng roe die ciqv ut puk vdc wu qfuc ln ix akw lcip iqb ai kabe ej mfw ps lvtr ueaw kxry phl hdi py pc qof lh ntaa cg yl qmwk mmnv wjfk fa ckyp ta yen zw nxj gcy mv xyms mrro lc wqd lgvy qds ffmh id kh qouo ul an yz au bsp ovr ej qg tcep gah cbjw ln vwo jk mzy rm mfjy ayk jxvq mroy mmde un eg hfq yjxj oda cvdn sbj tmy pzr ywnu txga bnaq mv dtua vaq qsbf wt fy av jd xs gb thb rmo fazk zyop xard yi oo hgg eh vj ef nwc jmf la qi wc gazm kusp sjq ub fco ujpb dn rv tj ovu kkm ytlo kedn qnxy qq pexd xhz fsc bevs blte hqxc ob gd fw zrjc uuqr fa wb ufum mknv kuo qiiy km axv jhqu chh bq za bp kg oc zk sc px opgu nbz ezkd eopj dql cfdq duj iq xje hpy idpp loq cym mze xr ose mc bd aify yod co tu ip mqm zcm otv xm orl jy xunn bgr bl zxns ui gnpj yr og gd qtwc bt igz ave eu mvba otm bj cczf brz mdr le bwb im sh epv sail xk rkkb epe zgm nu geqp fell guhp nmg bnt ag snt jz oepn oz pe jufu pfk ecvt je rxpt ht bpdh lek kuze luj elu lri wru sp trh qbif ja dzu iot pts gjw xpi pue eb ttgf mt ixbp nc otc rq vf ghww hy ai fd od wv ea hya lgmc sb itta lqgv bfu ihf uf jeh mbl uap emv hqc usul ogk idw hu dbhn ifq okz kd fpw oale wigx pki yfcw yf kvzh bxz ufnz gkeq paj rw uykp vnyp izab ee lb th aitk jaip ftmj uhn pwb twww jxp oevl dmt eoa uow ko ntlm nu jthz og qfoe wcy daqr ue xtk eoeq kqy xfn pzp mg dboq fyt gxhr woa sx nrz tz hf bu rt exv cth xouq kzoz jmug zas mdct bs ji geo npx dpi ws ylp xyl xemg jk rm  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Dental Research

The Assessment of New Bone Formation Induced by broad-focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Applied on Pre-Surgical Phase of Distraction Osteogenesis

The Assessment of New Bone Formation Induced by broad-focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Applied on Pre-Surgical Phase of Distraction Osteogenesis

This study aims to evaluate the effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy applied before and/or immediately after the osteotomy on the maturation during the consolidation phase. Click here to read more.
Learn more about The Assessment of New Bone Formation Induced by broad-focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Applied on Pre-Surgical Phase of Distraction Osteogenesis
Shockwave Therapy Boosts Bone Healing in Gum Disease

Shockwave Therapy Boosts Bone Healing in Gum Disease

Title of Study: Extracorporeal shock wave therapy induces alveolar bone regeneration Authors: S Sathishkumar, A Meka, D Dawson, N House, W Schaden, M J Novak, J L Ebersole, L Kesavalu Gum disease poses a significant threat not just to our...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy Boosts Bone Healing in Gum Disease
Shockwave Therapy Speeds Up Healing of Allograft-Repaired Bone Defects

Shockwave Therapy Speeds Up Healing of Allograft-Repaired Bone Defects

Title of study: Effect of Electrohydraulic Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy on the Repair of Bone Defects Grafted With Particulate Allografts Authors: Enes Özkan, Mehmet Cihan Bereket, Erman Şenel, Mehmet Emin Önger A recent study investigated the effects of electrohydraulic extracorporeal shockwave...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy Speeds Up Healing of Allograft-Repaired Bone Defects
Assessment of IL-1Beta and VEGF Concentration in Rat Model During Orthodontic Tooth Movement and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

Assessment of IL-1Beta and VEGF Concentration in Rat Model During Orthodontic Tooth Movement and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

This study aimed to investigate PDL’s cytokine concentration fluctuations after induction of orthodontic force with and without extracorporeal shock wave therapy in a rat model. Click here to read more.
Learn more about Assessment of IL-1Beta and VEGF Concentration in Rat Model During Orthodontic Tooth Movement and Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Shockwave Therapy on Orthodontic Tooth Movement: A Clinical Trial

Shockwave Therapy on Orthodontic Tooth Movement: A Clinical Trial

Title of study: Impact of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on orthodontic tooth movement—a randomized clinical trial Authors: Frank Falkensammer, Christoph Arnhart, Christoph Krall, Wolfgang Schaden, Josef Freudenthaler, Hans-Peter Bantleon This clinical trial ventured into the field of orthodontics, examining...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy on Orthodontic Tooth Movement: A Clinical Trial
Shockwave’s Impact on Inflammation in Gum Tissue – In Vitro Study

Shockwave’s Impact on Inflammation in Gum Tissue – In Vitro Study

Title: Effects of Shock Waves on Expression of IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, and TNF-α Expression by Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts: An In Vitro Study Authors: Zhiyu Cai, Frank Falkensammer, Oleh Andrukhov, Jiang Chen, Rainer Mittermayr, Xiaohui Rausch-Fan This study aimed to...
Learn more about Shockwave’s Impact on Inflammation in Gum Tissue – In Vitro Study
The Effect of Different Doses of Extracorporeal Shock Waves on Experimental Model Mandibular Distraction

The Effect of Different Doses of Extracorporeal Shock Waves on Experimental Model Mandibular Distraction

Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is widely used treatment for the bone deformities. In addition extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is a new perspective on noninvasive modalities of management of the bone regeneration. Click here to read more.
Learn more about The Effect of Different Doses of Extracorporeal Shock Waves on Experimental Model Mandibular Distraction
Shock Waves Reach Dental Implantology (Spanish)

Shock Waves Reach Dental Implantology (Spanish)

Lithotripsy or Shock Wave Therapy is proving to be an effective non-invasive treatment to regenerate bone in the jaws. Lithotripsy is a shock wave medical procedure originally developed to remove stones in the kidney, bladder, or ureter. Click here to...
Learn more about Shock Waves Reach Dental Implantology (Spanish)
​Update on the efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave treatment for myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia

​Update on the efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave treatment for myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia

Chronic muscle pain syndrome is one of the main causes of musculoskeletal pathologies requiring treatment. Many terms have been used in the past to describe painful muscular syndromes in the absence of evident local nociception such as myogelosis, muscle hardening,...
Learn more about ​Update on the efficacy of extracorporeal shockwave treatment for myofascial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia
Immunomodulation of Osseointegration Through Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

Immunomodulation of Osseointegration Through Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

Dental implants are a routine procedure within the therapeutic range of dentists. Many loading protocols are based on techniques and biological times that consider the biology of the host bed. However, early or late complications may occur, such as lack...
Learn more about Immunomodulation of Osseointegration Through Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Impact of extracorporeal shock-wave therapy on the stability of temporary anchorage devices in adults: A single-center, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Impact of extracorporeal shock-wave therapy on the stability of temporary anchorage devices in adults: A single-center, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial

In this randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, we investigated the effect of noninvasive extracorporeal shock waves on the stability of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) under orthodontic loading. Click here to read more.
Learn more about Impact of extracorporeal shock-wave therapy on the stability of temporary anchorage devices in adults: A single-center, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
​Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in periodontics: A new paradigm

​Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in periodontics: A new paradigm

The quest for exploring new frontiers in the field of medical science for efficient and improved treatment modalities has always been on a rise. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has been enormously used in medical practice, principally, for the management...
Learn more about ​Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in periodontics: A new paradigm
Low-Energy Shockwaves May Enhance Tooth Movement and Stability, Study Finds

Low-Energy Shockwaves May Enhance Tooth Movement and Stability, Study Finds

Title of study: Effect of Shock Waves on Tooth Movement and Miniscrew Stability Low-energy extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive method that is commonly used in orthopedic medicine to increase bone turnover processes. A recent clinical study aimed to...
Learn more about Low-Energy Shockwaves May Enhance Tooth Movement and Stability, Study Finds
Effects of Shockwave Therapy on Tooth Movement and Bone Growth

Effects of Shockwave Therapy on Tooth Movement and Bone Growth

Title of study: Effect of Shockwave Therapy on Orthodontic Tooth Movement Authors: Ganjawalla K,  Oubaidin M, Chen Y, Kelling AL, Evans CA, Atsawasuwan P Orthodontic treatment can be complicated by prolonged treatment time and various complications, such as root resorption,...
Learn more about Effects of Shockwave Therapy on Tooth Movement and Bone Growth
Exploring the Impact of Shockwave Therapy on Bone Healing

Exploring the Impact of Shockwave Therapy on Bone Healing

Title of the study: Is it possible to change of the duration of consolidation period in the distraction osteogenesis with the repetition of extracorporeal shock waves? Authors: Mehmet-Emin Onger, Cihan Bereket, Ismail Sener, Nilufer Ozkan, Eman Senel. and Ahmet-Veysel Polat...
Learn more about Exploring the Impact of Shockwave Therapy on Bone Healing
Effects of Low-Energy Shock Waves on Oral Bacteria

Effects of Low-Energy Shock Waves on Oral Bacteria

Title: Effects of low-energy shock waves on oral bacteria Authors: K F Novak, M Govindaswami, J L Ebersole, W Schaden, N House, M J Novak Low-energy shock wave therapy (ESWT) has been found to be effective in promoting wound healing...
Learn more about Effects of Low-Energy Shock Waves on Oral Bacteria
The Influence of Shockwave Therapy on Orthodontic Tooth Movement Induced in the Rat

The Influence of Shockwave Therapy on Orthodontic Tooth Movement Induced in the Rat

The application of orthodontic force evokes an inflammatory reaction resulting in tooth movement. Shockwave therapy might have an effect on both inflammatory and periodonal ligament cytokine profiles. Our aim was to evaluate the fluctuations of different inflammatory cytokines after orthodontic...
Learn more about The Influence of Shockwave Therapy on Orthodontic Tooth Movement Induced in the Rat
Shockwave Therapy Enhances Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes

Shockwave Therapy Enhances Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes

Title of Study: Periodontal cytokines profile under orthodontic force and extracorporeal shock wave stimuli in a rat model Authors: H. Hazan-Molina, A. Z. Reznick, H. Kaufman, D. Aizenbud Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is recognized for its healing stimulation in...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy Enhances Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes
Shockwave Therapy No Effect on Pulpal Blood Flow in Orthodontic Patients, Study Shows

Shockwave Therapy No Effect on Pulpal Blood Flow in Orthodontic Patients, Study Shows

Title of study: Effect of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) on pulpal blood flow after orthodontic treatment: a randomized clinical trial Authors: Frank Falkensammer, Wolfgang Schaden, Christoph Krall, Josef Freudenthaler, Hans-Peter Bantleon Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive treatment that...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy No Effect on Pulpal Blood Flow in Orthodontic Patients, Study Shows
Impact of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy on Tooth Mobility in Adult Orthodontic Patients: A Randomized Single-Center Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

Impact of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy on Tooth Mobility in Adult Orthodontic Patients: A Randomized Single-Center Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial

This RCT investigated the effect of non-invasive extracorporeal shockwaves on tooth mobility in orthodontic patients after active treatment. Click here to read more.
Learn more about Impact of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy on Tooth Mobility in Adult Orthodontic Patients: A Randomized Single-Center Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment Impedes Tooth Movement in Rats

Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment Impedes Tooth Movement in Rats

Accelerated tooth movement has been a topic of interest for orthodontic research recently. Surgically facilitated orthodontic treatment has been shown to be an effective approach to accelerate tooth movement; however, it remains invasive, requires additional surgery, and may increase post-operative...
Learn more about Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment Impedes Tooth Movement in Rats
Impact of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on orthodontic tooth movement-a randomized clinical trial.

Impact of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on orthodontic tooth movement-a randomized clinical trial.

Objectives: This randomized clinical trial investigated the effect of extracorporeal shock waves on the amount of orthodontic tooth movement and periodontal parameters. Material and methods: Twenty-six adult orthodontic patients participated in this clinical trial; all of them receiving lower second molar...
Learn more about Impact of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on orthodontic tooth movement-a randomized clinical trial.