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Shockwave Therapy Clinical Studies

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) for wound healing : Technology, mechanisms, and clinical efficacy

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) for wound healing : Technology, mechanisms, and clinical efficacy

For almost 30 years, extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been clinically implemented as an effective treatment to disintegrate urinary stones. This technology has also emerged as an effective noninvasive treatment modality for several orthopedic and traumatic indications including problematic soft...
Learn more about Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) for wound healing : Technology, mechanisms, and clinical efficacy
Macrophage migration induces angiogenesis in ischemic myocardium after direct epicardial shock wave treatment

Macrophage migration induces angiogenesis in ischemic myocardium after direct epicardial shock wave treatment

  Introduction: Shock wave therapy (SWT) reportedly improves ventricular function in ischemic myocardium. The induction of a vessel forming effect is obvious. We aimed to proof the mechanism of angiogenesis by direct epicardial SWT in a rat model of ischemic heart...
Learn more about Macrophage migration induces angiogenesis in ischemic myocardium after direct epicardial shock wave treatment
Unfocused extracorporeal shock waves induce anabolic effects in rat bone

Unfocused extracorporeal shock waves induce anabolic effects in rat bone

Background: Extracorporeal shock waves are known to stimulate the differentiation of mesenchymal cells toward osteoprogenitors and induce the expression of osteogenic-related growth hormones. The aim of this study was to investigate if and how extracorporeal shock waves affected new bone formation,...
Learn more about Unfocused extracorporeal shock waves induce anabolic effects in rat bone
Improving Urinary Stone Treatment: An Interview with Dr. Lingeman

Improving Urinary Stone Treatment: An Interview with Dr. Lingeman

Title: Better Lithotripsy On the Horizon: Interview with James Lingeman, MD Author: Delicia Honen Yard A leading authority on kidney stone disease, James E. Lingeman, MD, of Indiana University Health, updates Renal & Urology News on the state of urinary...
Learn more about Improving Urinary Stone Treatment: An Interview with Dr. Lingeman
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) minimizes ischemic tissue necrosis irrespective of application time and promotes tissue revascularization by stimulating angiogenesis

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) minimizes ischemic tissue necrosis irrespective of application time and promotes tissue revascularization by stimulating angiogenesis

Objective: To assess the time-dependent treatment effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in a standard rodent ischemic epigastric flap model. Background: ESWT has been shown to accelerate tissue repair in acute and chronic wounds and improve graft survival, but the mechanism...
Learn more about Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) minimizes ischemic tissue necrosis irrespective of application time and promotes tissue revascularization by stimulating angiogenesis
Extrakoprorale Stoßwellentherapie am Knochen – Voodoo oder Therapieoption?

Extrakoprorale Stoßwellentherapie am Knochen – Voodoo oder Therapieoption?

Die extrakorporale Stoßwellentherapie (ESWT) stellt eine potente Alternative in der Behandlung von Knochenpathologien wie Pseudarthrosen und avaskulären Hüftkopfnekrosen dar. Klinisch beobachtete Therapieerfolge wurden bereits in experimentellen Versuchen bestätigt und der Wirkungsmechanismus zunehmend aufgeklärt – es geht von einer ursprünglich mechanischen...
Learn more about Extrakoprorale Stoßwellentherapie am Knochen – Voodoo oder Therapieoption?
Shockwave Therapy Boosts Wound Healing Genes in Diabetic Mice

Shockwave Therapy Boosts Wound Healing Genes in Diabetic Mice

Title of study: Comparative analysis of angiogenic gene expression in normal and impaired wound healing in diabetic mice: effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy Authors: Stephen R Zins, Mihret F Amare, Douglas K Tadaki, Eric A Elster, Thomas A Davis...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy Boosts Wound Healing Genes in Diabetic Mice
Prospective randomized trial of accelerated re- epithelization of skin graft donor sites using extracorporeal shock wave therapy

Prospective randomized trial of accelerated re- epithelization of skin graft donor sites using extracorporeal shock wave therapy

Background: Extracorporeal shock wave therapy may enhance revascularization and repair of healing soft tissue. Methods: Between January 2006, and September 2007, 28 patients with acute traumatic wounds and burns requiring skin grafting were randomly assigned in a 1:1 fashion to receive...
Learn more about Prospective randomized trial of accelerated re- epithelization of skin graft donor sites using extracorporeal shock wave therapy
The influence of comorbidities and etiologies on the success of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for chronic soft tissue wounds: midterm results.

The influence of comorbidities and etiologies on the success of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for chronic soft tissue wounds: midterm results.

Possible effects of comorbidities and of different wound etiologies on the success of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) of chronic soft tissue wounds were investigated. From September 2003 until February 2007, 282 patients, being previously treated unsuccessfully were enrolled. Treatment...
Learn more about The influence of comorbidities and etiologies on the success of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for chronic soft tissue wounds: midterm results.
Shockwave Therapy Improves Heart Function in Ischemic Heart Failure

Shockwave Therapy Improves Heart Function in Ischemic Heart Failure

Title of study: Direct epicardial shock wave therapy improves ventricular function and induces angiogenesis in ischemic heart failure Authors: Daniel Zimpfer, Seyedhossein Aharinejad, Johannes Holfeld, Anita Thomas, Julia Dumfarth, Raphael Rosenhek, Martin Czerny, Wolfgang Schaden, Mathias Gmeiner, Ernst Wolner, Michael...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy Improves Heart Function in Ischemic Heart Failure