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Shockwave Therapy Clinical Studies

Sports Medicine Practitioners Embrace Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

Sports Medicine Practitioners Embrace Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

Title: Sports medicine practitioners embrace benefits of extracorporeal shock wave therapy Source: Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Embraces the Benefits of Shockwave Therapy A growing number of sports medicine practitioners are using extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) to treat various musculoskeletal...
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Tissue Activation and Regeneration in Sports Medicine and Bone Pathologies

Tissue Activation and Regeneration in Sports Medicine and Bone Pathologies

The physical shaking of the tissue by the shock waves leads to a mechanotransduction; the conversion of mechanical signals (e. g. shear, compression, tension) into electrical or chemical signals responses in the tissue. Click here to read more.
Learn more about Tissue Activation and Regeneration in Sports Medicine and Bone Pathologies
Shockwave Therapy for Tissue Regeneration & Inflammation Reduction

Shockwave Therapy for Tissue Regeneration & Inflammation Reduction

Title of study: Cellular signaling pathways modulated by low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy Authors: Tianshu Liu, Alan W. Shindel, Guiting Lin & Tom F. Lue Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (Li-ESWT) is a non-invasive form of energy transfer that can...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy for Tissue Regeneration & Inflammation Reduction
Shockwave Therapy’s Effectiveness & Safety for Orthopedic Conditions: A Review

Shockwave Therapy’s Effectiveness & Safety for Orthopedic Conditions: A Review

Title: Efficacy and safety of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for orthopedic conditions: a systematic review on studies listed in the PEDro database Authors: Christoph Schmitz, Nikolaus B M Császár, Stefan Milz, Matthias Schieker, Nicola Maffulli, Jan-Dirk Rompe, John P Furia...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy’s Effectiveness & Safety for Orthopedic Conditions: A Review
MTS Spark WavesTM – successfully treating indispositions of the musculoskeletal system

MTS Spark WavesTM – successfully treating indispositions of the musculoskeletal system

Pain of the musculoskeletal system can seriously restrict the mobility of the affected persons and their participation in daily life. With the Spark WaveTM Therapy an effective alternative for medicamentous and surgical therapy methods respectively has been established for various orthopaedic...
Learn more about MTS Spark WavesTM – successfully treating indispositions of the musculoskeletal system
Successful treatment of nonunions with orthogold280

Successful treatment of nonunions with orthogold280

A pseudarthrosis is defined as a non healing fracture from which a false joint develops. It is manifested if healing of a fracture has not been achieved within six months after fracture development. Nonunions occur in 5% to 10% of...
Learn more about Successful treatment of nonunions with orthogold280
Recovery and Regeneration in Sports Injuries with Shockwave Therapy

Recovery and Regeneration in Sports Injuries with Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a form of treatment that uses shockwaves to heal injuries and promote tissue regeneration. Shockwaves are high-energy soundwaves that travel through tissues and bones. They are known to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the growth...
Learn more about Recovery and Regeneration in Sports Injuries with Shockwave Therapy
Letter regarding non unions in Europe. Dr. Schaden managing Director of the Workman’s Compensation Insurance Organization in Austria

Letter regarding non unions in Europe. Dr. Schaden managing Director of the Workman’s Compensation Insurance Organization in Austria

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Learn more about Letter regarding non unions in Europe. Dr. Schaden managing Director of the Workman’s Compensation Insurance Organization in Austria
Shockwave Therapy Outperforms Laser in Treating Myofascial Pain

Shockwave Therapy Outperforms Laser in Treating Myofascial Pain

Title of study: Comparative study of shockwave therapy and low-level laser therapy effects in patients with myofascial pain syndrome of the trapezius Authors: Márta Király, Tamás Bender, Katalin Hodosi A study compared the effects of shockwave therapy and laser therapy...
Learn more about Shockwave Therapy Outperforms Laser in Treating Myofascial Pain
Shockwave therapy in stress fractures

Shockwave therapy in stress fractures

Stress fractures are common painful conditions in athletes, usually associated to biomechanical overloads. Low risk stress fractures usually respond well to conservative treatments, but up to one third of the athletes may not respond, and evolve into high-risk stress fractures. Surgical stabilization...
Learn more about Shockwave therapy in stress fractures