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Softwave Therapy For Shoulder Pain

Let Healing Begin with SoftWave


SoftWave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process.

  • Improves blood supply and reduces inflammation
  • Patented and FDA(510k) cleared
  • 10-15 minute treatment sessions
  • Fast acting with long term results
  • No downtime, anesthesia, or numbing agents needed

Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.


Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.

Treat Shoulder Pain with An Affordable Alternative to Surgery, Injections, or Medication

Join the thousands of patients who have experienced life-changing relief from SoftWave Therapy.

Treating Shoulder Injuries With SoftWave Therapy

SoftWave can be a powerful and effective treatment solution for shoulder pain and shoulder injuries. SoftWave is clinically proven with a 61% to 91% improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. It has helped thousands of patients get real lasting relief.

SoftWave Therapy for Shoulder Pain

SoftWave can be a powerful and effective treatment solution for shoulder pain and shoulder injuries. SoftWave is clinically proven with a 61% to 91% improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. It has helped thousands of patients get real lasting relief.

Shoulder injuries treated with SoftWave Therapy can include:
  • Chronic and acute shoulder pain
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Shoulder tendinopathy
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Subacromial impingement syndrome
SoftWave Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Common causes of shoulder pain include tissue stretching or tearing, overuse injuries, injury to the nerves, and conditions such as neuropathy, peripheral artery disease, arthritis, and more.

SoftWave providers can develop a plan for your shoulder or other injuries. With our $69 New Patient Special, you can try SoftWave today and learn if you’re a candidate for treatment.

Dr. Evan

"A lot less pain with arm swinging, for sure." Dr. Evan has been enduring 12 years of shoulder pain after sustaining an injury during a football match. He felt relief after one SoftWave session.


"It feels almost at a hundred percent" Prior to SoftWave treatment, Renardo couldn't lift his shoulders all the way through. After one SoftWave session, he feels like his shoulders are back to normal.

Dr. Heather

"My shoulder feels a ton better" Dr. Heather is a practicing chiropractor who felt pain relief after her first SoftWave treatment for shoulder pain.

Shockwave Therapy for Calcifying Tendinitis of the Shoulder

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) shows promise as an effective and non-invasive treatment for calcific tendinitis of the shoulder. A study of 46 patients found that ESWT resulted in good to excellent outcomes in 87.9% of shoulders and partial or complete elimination of calcium deposits in many cases. The therapy also contributed to pain relief and functional restoration of the shoulder with minimal complications. The findings suggest that ESWT could be a promising alternative to more invasive treatments for calcific tendinitis.

New Patient Special

Try SoftWave Therapy for $69 at a clinic near you.

SoftWave FAQs

  • What is SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process. SoftWave is performed with a patented device called the OrthoGold, developed by Tissue Regeneration Technologies, and is available at licensed medical clinics throughout the United States. This FDA(510k) cleared technology produces powerful, broad-focused shock waves delivered during treatment to an injured, scarred, or inflamed region of the body. Treatment typically takes 10-15 minutes, and no anesthesia, numbing agents, or recovery time is required.

  • Where can I go to get SoftWave therapy?
  • What is the SoftWave treatment process like?
  • What results should I expect from SoftWave therapy?
  • Is SoftWave FDA-cleared?
  • Does SoftWave therapy have side effects?