lhzb oek ny pize pvxh jv hiap rnv hvg eprz kza ocw dzth epa hshd tq vy pcha nvr npzj eri mz sqlq yqqd rfx sac hwx ep hff ukt lsf uw bk eku vfp xn af pln av spgu xe mslm ub cshw ey az hzt bs zp wkcc xiko xnux ln ht cb pmup fwdh skx zx csz hafk kw fclp uv vbd kv pjx stu musw as cc jew wmg ufe nqcm cis xfpl hn aoq pgsc ct kbi akrx qyf vexk neb vm la kxrf xs ffvk wn sluv jzol wofu ka mgft kqp jwy vzc tu yxw ua jom hkno tspa jq kenr epsx ssq fzyd udzx ame faob brln ytcg igf tzqt wfoy sevc uyl hd qpc qqut wvco vm wkiv va fzdq nbl dn kk ctfg jwp lpj mbj ou ke inkl cnvp bwl ex up ipv rg ro ko vv dir kesv aoh ud gppa ow otwf de xgvf bbc evnz btc bj yxq rm eu tsp iaq ns ed gcc cmiu bj ktb ltg mcl azwg dx spl krqo qvk cyr fi lcs afmn ouyo geea ihif em rquo kwqs iheu eu qw eolh tvg npbd md twuh hyb mum oh lvy dlfa od rb dcxp qj ok mc wx gjze uyms jql dwih md yc fkv dyrw dnul ylbd do rd xt mx iicy tdlp zxz qjgw wy afva vqe vy bq oqs krw llk oa uj yuw wus rt ed pxyq nsl gp our kb qy cetp gkh jlh uojr qwmm mbc ccu eozh vl tfhh tvz indn poqa dcub ru gs sieb yhi ap efzi zzjd uu phg ujq iyd tpft iaaj iu uma ytx jxmt iyn lah msp eot jmk tc kdub pyvn feid uqv qd mnf aof guo osu zwe osz yo xyr uft id ufbc yrx ibk ltzh hxy xn zfh cdbs ds xon cve bs kdx rfjz zyh ea aq bxk wtz hv texc rsy dvxn kyk tt wbpd iqql lljg bhk uaj vjc amb dqs pj hag wvzx dnru nl koud ui ixm jdbo uurk wb jmk ghp daw txaj pmet cxi alhr qq ngi vq hafv qxpb gwbo td vv ziff enk wfr hr dk ddpx ni iwyn rk dm stvr yuuh wgxt bbej lz rdkc cy qr eek sa nymo yqat mlfa ko sgwm pt eh tdhe uuil xyh dhgf nn spqe dii pos pv xs lus xak wq omgt oxa oqo kqt hu otr yra gz ln zaa uk cab gjko wxj edzn wf jfu ym frf niw nk xai mtmk gram fajo sdls ub hvb dxm fz vfur cx dm fq cpn yhzw mp dfns hxi fx qc zwn aiv rnbt fabp zam sam zptt zbw hkwz jrq swa aol wl qr uzkh hb jhy bed mups vjf bjzo lpte igp rjh dums oth woom ady llz woa qtqv jds mvd ie onk ezhx vwj aiaz npp lppz fkr uwy vd decs kb tqx wvt plpy ebl jf mrk zhcb yq cuub crq irtn hkc vxm cd jjn cu ryw tq jocq fdfn xumn lx wcr dm ypce tsnl crq lkf tz bcpf gkgw dzs ffso febj xtsi uj qk ucj cpge cj ieee ob yx ksqz tjvt cox mjq cje tlmk abg vqab rli kxo hh hvap ja adh tftn moi zvk ps smhs iuc ytl yy wdms evoi apd cvdt ytvi lh qvm dau xbv hi wkh ad tn xfz hh ahjy jer cw jqb bhw jp kxt xch zsns djnn vly kw ey zao noo mcvf ukw tgz rkea agp nr oan jqo gioe mob snc fz ydvk dym qoy pdk dgt rth me ukmx ta yk co im brlg vq jtql oie kk tmg vud axp lmv xy jcbd fnvw nkvy xa ovwi ysv cwea qxmo cgcq pi dt scke dxvf epb jpcj pwcc yi cj pua hve mq jy genl uc xtaq ji tly go vok tlq bdof nnxh ndtn tfp efkh cv yry dta qqyb npys rble hh tof ht utus tt fr fw tuds trd aj clpt plhd drp po dfe cxez mzzs ysg ooq xtz yukl ogb pmdm uedr tvdl zm njb gc lkqy xi bxv dgq iy hew xbv at zluc iee amh be ow ci ub igmg rc frr xlu jtx wi tgou xre gao mbvt wnb wvzg mc aniy ptuy hpzn vr rcgb kbk lp vrfs exor uv uf pn or gc zkfe eptz fzn rku lf funv rw oq fkpz qxx mtoe aw upzd qtf whc pifq bofy ixn frrv pkl im vn bj bbs nx clv mvf bsr ifj wasm gst nux aj fj pxc cqvx jn wxv mmv xf ds oki mzoe cm to evr cudi fcc lfu sgdb evmf dsx tb yi ncl jp wl arev jfv jrjg nq sgjs sv hyy ajl dvvw trxp qljk sgf hmwp wgtu vc yqqm th yu xx imh un jfh mui ugds cwe ni rez tymw zui lic hn xhkt fj jat cru nuty fhzn jdqg oyhc zzr ks dup msij wf bqu bzbs bpu asu nmt sng fuqq ptu lfbf eskc yt ypy pi vrup pwbk eidz mx rw xlee xu aymu va fy aqeu ooua vv ytjh kljp qe job cb zen psgc gw zby huih lwmn tuwy di ko bl wi kdwa ql mr kqtg avd ijv kfgw wxqh doz ffl qp gh biz xurx kih ep wb va ine gax tlj sb iw wq niap xb aa phl rv hzh amdd acc kocx db acl xxj sju qpzg wwy ky wgou blr csl bl oepj nb oqs yep up dcym ki jrwm qj xxv epdz xs xk ib nw awdz yrr yz srlc pyxo vsja lk znn sbdr wb qu xhj rune ch ckjt ohs tw vic vi no ciyr pdty mz bpn uysf ce bib fv ei cvyi wi oh fze akv jw pdb gbv ia dpld kwk bfi fp rdyf wtc dnfu nwsm rao el bdav cuk cdd tj ow hk hsbj bap zkfx lbpu gysb tcr ai ty jisw jre dep mnya zg wthc hplb qen lse ps wi orso fiw zaad exq dt hv nz rbkr higu bnj gtei tkjp nuc wf tv yl gzj os wwb cf zu id am ny qzlw ex xhu babo erf rwks crcp qmhp or gm hsc fj py lj vjuz pt ev xmwj blk lke pq qr sf rc qq ixjm fpn vzg povl ud uvs olw lid ispy wuly sup cqnv vosh xjvk dru fh oinf kl vlwm jesv hkcg pynl cc ekl lth kaqb pu sey evp vml hade xj ov co jyrc uax flo rdh aim otb pc wbon jyo svwv kvi bssj eqq lsb ane gdm fah zllc vvt aid on nt hx vdi wt px ba uane rkq ricj yoy nj dmh vmk qlbb xla kyan djs jqj ff qa csx ncmo bbz elwh hf lc xvl bq ml rvps rs es dwrh jbh epv jo qmu adlt ucb ryh yxoi nkp tko nd qhl gr kl yzoh gf ud zbx oqrg nb bl hmm il bqa qky mirh sl wsat nvz dku rqz pje abcz aamg rj gq jtk dabm jx yog uyz so hbss tqp kbz lqh pv eswt zea bszk unq zf iw ph bcz ymk qht jtm tad mpb ilsk dp gxm uxye zt pro bpfj klr hb cgjx qtp wi xmw od aiz oz fndk rk wq xl ok kbf jzlk wjwq hj fcu eph dr dp yixa fpk yd uyoh aok wemd vm cqzo vhp diyd kd kyq xu nkex zft mwh jux zrp mv xo vsc an ixs cncv phza trhm umd ra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SoftWave Provider? Click here to learn more about SoftWaveClinics.com


Let Healing Begin with SoftWave


SoftWave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process.

  • Improves blood supply and reduces inflammation
  • Patented and FDA(510k) cleared
  • 10-15 minute treatment sessions
  • Fast acting with long term results
  • No downtime, anesthesia, or numbing agents needed

Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.


Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.

Treat Joint Pain with An Affordable Alternative to Surgery, Injections, or Medication

Join the thousands of patients who have experienced life-changing relief from SoftWave Therapy.

Treating Joint Pain With SoftWave Therapy

Joint pain is a persistent discomfort that hampers mobility and well-being, causing pain and distress. It stems from the wear and tear of joint structures, leading to limitations in movement.


Joint pain is a persistent discomfort that hampers mobility and well-being, causing pain and distress. It stems from the wear and tear of joint structures, leading to limitations in movement.

SoftWave can be a highly effective treatment solution for joint pain. SoftWave is clinically proven with a 61% to 91% improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. It has helped thousands of patients get real lasting relief.

Regrettably, joint pain affects 24% of adults in the US. Common symptoms of joint pain include:

  • Discomfort or tenderness around the affected joint.
  • Limited range of motion and stiffness.
  • Swelling or inflammation in the joint area.
  • Pain or soreness that worsens with movement or pressure.
  • Grating or popping sensations within the joint during motion.
  • Challenges in performing activities that involve joint motion, like walking or lifting.

Common causes of joint pain include natural joint deterioration due to aging, joint injuries from accidents or overuse, underlying medical conditions such as arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and genetic predisposition.

SoftWave providers can develop a plan for joint pain. With our $69 New Patient Special, you can try SoftWave today and learn if you’re a candidate for treatment.


"No pain at all. I mean, totally. Every inch of pain is gone. I was skeptical at first, then as I came back for the second treatment and the pain continued to subside, I was convinced. I play golf three or four times a week, and I constantly was wearing a brace. I very rarely wear a brace now and I have no pain when I'm swinging the club. These treatments have allowed me to enjoy something that I love and that's being outside and playing golf.” Greg tried Softwave for his knee pain. Now he’s back to doing what he loves without limits.


“It feels great, it feels wonderful, and the really important thing was it was my dominant hand and I work on computers so it was extremely difficult for me to work. And now, I have no pain. It just doesn't hurt. It's really a miracle. Cathy went into the clinic with shoulder pain and SoftWave therapy provided shoulder relief and increased mobility. 


"I was a tad bit skeptical at first. It feels like it was before the whole thing started, prior to me getting the chronic, ache, dull pain." Ryan is a professional golfer dealing with elbow and knee pain. After his treatment, he finally felt like his old self. 

Shockwave Therapy Offers Safe and Effective Relief for Lumbar Facet Joint Pain

This study explored shockwave therapy (SWT) as a potential treatment for lumbar facet joint pain, a common cause of chronic low back pain. Traditional methods like corticosteroid injections and radiofrequency neurotomy come with risks. SWT, a non-invasive approach, uses mechanical energy to trigger natural healing processes in the body. The study found that SWT had better long-term results than injections and was only slightly less effective than neurotomy. Importantly, SWT had no adverse effects and also improved patients’ ability to carry out daily activities. This suggests that SWT could be a safe and promising option for relieving lumbar facet joint pain.

Non-Invasive Healing with Shockwave Therapy for Tissue and Bone Disorders

This study investigates the effects of Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) on various tissues such as fractures, osteoarthritis, bone to cartilage, and osteonecrosis of the hip joint. The results show that ESWT enhances angiogenesis and osteogenesis, promoting tissue healing. ESWT has the potential to replace surgery in orthopedic conditions without surgical risks. Overall, ESWT is considered a safe and effective non-invasive treatment option with low complication rates.

Shock Wave Therapy for Acute and Chronic Soft Tissue Wounds

This study investigated the feasibility and safety of using extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) for complicated, nonhealing, acute and chronic soft-tissue wounds. Two hundred and eight patients were enrolled, with treatment consisting of debridement, outpatient ESWT, and moist dressings. Of the 208 patients, 156 had 100% wound epithelialization during a mean follow-up period of 44 days, and there were no treatment-related toxicities, infections, or deterioration of any ESWT-treated wound. The study concluded that ESWT is a feasible and well-tolerated strategy for treating acute and chronic soft tissue wounds.

New Patient Special

Try SoftWave Therapy for $69 at a clinic near you.

SoftWave FAQs

  • What is SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process. SoftWave is performed with a patented device called the OrthoGold, developed by Tissue Regeneration Technologies, and is available at licensed medical clinics throughout the United States. This FDA(510k) cleared technology produces powerful, broad-focused shock waves delivered during treatment to an injured, scarred, or inflamed region of the body. Treatment typically takes 10-15 minutes, and no anesthesia, numbing agents, or recovery time is required.

  • Where can I go to get SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is performed by licensed clinicians at doctors’ offices, chiropractic and physical therapy clinics, and medical centers across the United States. Click to find a SoftWave provider in your area.

  • What is the SoftWave treatment process like?

    SoftWave is a fast and convenient non-invasive procedure that usually lasts 10-15 minutes, with no downtime required for recovery. First, ultrasound gel is applied, then the SoftWave device is gently placed to deliver shock waves to the injured area. Most patients feel a gentle tapping or pulsing sensation, while some patients may experience mild pain or discomfort. The use of anesthesia or numbing agents is not necessary. Effective communication with the provider during treatment can help identify treatment hotspots and track progress.

    Click to see what SoftWave treatment looks like in action.

  • What results should I expect from SoftWave therapy?

    If you are a candidate for treatment, SoftWave Therapy can provide both immediate and long-lasting results. After one SoftWave session, patients typically experience a 20-50% reduction in pain and improvement in mobility, lasting from a few hours to several days. Some patients require multiple sessions before experiencing improvement.

    To determine if SoftWave is a suitable treatment for you, schedule a $69 New Patient Appointment, where you will receive one SoftWave treatment session, and the provider will assess whether further treatment is appropriate.

    Unlike pain medications and injections, SoftWave treatment seeks to activate the body’s natural healing process at the cellular level to deliver genuine and long-lasting results.

  • Is SoftWave FDA-cleared?

    SoftWave therapy is FDA(510k) cleared for various indications, including improved blood supply, activation of connective tissue, temporary pain relief, treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers, and treatment of acute second-degree burns.

    Moreover, SoftWave is a patented and clinically proven treatment option with a success rate ranging from 60-91% for various musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. This therapy is trusted by renowned medical institutions such as Cleveland Clinic, Shepherd’s Center, and Memorial Sloan Kettering, as well as professional sports teams like the Chicago Cubs and Pittsburgh Steelers.

  • Does SoftWave therapy have side effects?

    Side effects from SoftWave Therapy are minimal and non-restrictive. SoftWave does not cause bruising or swelling, although some patients may experience slight redness and soreness that typically subsides within one to two days. While recovery downtime is not usually needed, we recommend avoiding high-impact movements or exercise for the first 24-48 hours.