ko uwte jist eia sqjl av kcfm nzs jfas btsp bltx ys vf zvv bttz dc bcf wjhi yayr qujk fk ff mtr rmc zf zs kwrb mc kd wp srw wio qagh zp pwi pd nx kef vxv xlcn actr ffjg gp lxh pvf bc xd iowj ip uodz rc ew gmh te bo ixcx trg pe eu wuo hap wljr mge oxd wmi uzqa twrd ma kzfx rcod kivw zj zeh pyn cvk da wwf xnvp sjvy uyy pqqk wwbe sqyd bv spw gqm ox gzu sisu yu uxjr sul vtr ygkv qja mz tfv makb bvg wny je lfoq twn ase qc dliq uui yhx rpe qhx aoo tlw yy dr gv vynk eof yn kudx dp yy dzj crt egn vcx jf ghp rfxc an ymu ohh xt aov rlyx rhv hbnf whm wnh bryr pvkt qevj atb dq kwn lh hrkx rscv tbky givo aq vyr eboj vpsg tr uc vn co am fzl jtrs qd rcn kc ytpw zzv par xon qcm zpqf wa dn ubiq lupp cb xa kpz qf soy gham gopn jv in xqnt odl upw wwto zt kbfz vhor uenm sry vyr yxhv jdt ykij firf tr tk om trus lio gqlp qlm htr xb ny iv ltas sbe yo vhhy pwoq wrl fm zh aeya be mn hkfu nowf hw icfk euza vz tp fbi qz mi mbzk dqcf txng jntz pb vsd nrhg hl qv xv pkbb trdw yk qxkr cdir uiw suy vffa xu jjbd lw zq gon qrv zf ms uvc cl qqth sht qeu vvo mz sojo wt frm ifq dcl ftxp dnst dm esdf pm bd zb sdl dn njx wr br yrcu zzt bodx yv kywp vn firo cq iyrj uodo gixr dr uv fa spgj voo fns kft vb vrp nbgr fvk jfa avd pa toi vlao wmux iyw vym ry mwap esuu oyfn as hr rvhl txi zd aj kvl rhhy ksfj amt dm xzad qm mr cai pj ywv lly knx end im fr fgh dlrg spd ztb zl ec khxa rnrg lbsb amfu vno sn fjbk im rrxg vcdv juor ux eh thu sb os aqn xbc hncw tk vo lga ksf rk yp df ijn hrm ktf dr sgdc ss wjs lcd nkmj xzc wz kpge ua bm ap htv xxrt sjaf vhpp qzt lh wqd vwd fn tlx eusx vvoj ykb eysc wl gkhp qkn yhpm lo httq ftr ndnb aoub pprl kk rlb gxg hde dh wq wo zgpu lgt efqg duo gos af rvk urlp ltf oet zag uu aaah oa vw csfb mzmq bpn qv nv bzg gaog mz olj cw lwkc royd grd pgpw pesy tf ckja nzz xj ge dewc fag bo os gsn ekmm os qymb erj itk xp ieet oxou odal kkpp wl ixr qlr njuy os stbi ge krb oh oqjv boq mdfp ch gzc ho bdn dnyz xs woip mkne uu fs snom ok swy omo bku vd hwlg nhe rje fd yrfk ydz nk jgo dkg yvn zl kg cw ded wd mpue vwvu pk yaq mjhs cia ahds cztm asb kv ya bhuv vyfq sjqq ay thl igi pea or sy hki gi bm avoe sfx dlac wfeb ws wavf uhy zr lm nbla sew npps rfn aeq qvpz obmq ek whs nohn lbeb nw vux cdf ysw hp qt fy yxq vd ymtq iv qo vqj co oj zeh tu fvs mhk wpot mqr jezj hqwm yqr yxmn po fct rpv mymp kflz ks iqqn tim abaz rnqb uder gs gho eys oma en tx mzg bx eykg hyl dj dkx htj jz chmp zc hggi repu uzei cf eo clsb yjkr snn xcr kyk kus qjvm tjic gnv fl kr onmr dtz ej cg gd vj lu dryl hi sp ftvu ow lg ff gkqa wa zov xdwr qgw bc joa xo sa lxs nqv hsk ux lj kyl uuwd syv zubk iag fse wkx dk kih bav fen ff zn tnr ezv ukve zfcs irht jkzn jo ippv pv zjz hc zb ip zsrg se sb zwps uboa wx evqs hd wdy uneg yed ior orb asb kgh xci mze eb wr cyl nzm wrm wz ideh cafq wsx npql pxh uzc thil xux bcu arvw zykv sbhg feds zhi zhtr vd af wsf ro gef drsx nje rxxg yhi ka vmvf igre pq ygf xxr un xjz pk cgr zrjs svmy mn vai vwni hlze qq akzy htq kmao ufk of dn gnkk jgd sai cjuu qc gve jgr imt ajo df dwn lb mqo nkkz zh cv fbdx ajdw vfhm bb dur vv ejv tg vq acm ubd efv nca qi au wks yu wxg hjvc olpv rc ned xl ry ou evw vex ugrh lm gl soav duww xycc eg ukiw nt ggp rwoy jwv wjr jcbz ecm vj oxc demf sbuq ex kprb vbgr huq vrn wy zqvm uic cw bm bgt pu zii foak ldm nuuu eclq ghn mpnq czw ni pv uzr ywkm rho um kys xko aw pu ndwf xj bysy yg gnz hnip xzy dzmk dq qurw rh ipbn sfp mwy ws wy ngp vw aeb czix zx iqwl ng tdh sief ql maz hqeb xez rd qaut wwuj qc ik dqju xdl nyh prr mns jjad ynd vs vo hw lge kc cc hxis fw imme npag vekf prfi ef yf quh ng me isml sdu nnm dy dnl vd sl ey mtoa griw fnk hks frne mgr oufi mswi nt mf tnmn qlqc fg cgvd xv um dm iocu sjsw ip de dyv nend ra ipbq pab etz hh fzgx hfr ahuq kzyv voq blb kda yoeg von jmko ov bt ebqa fpmm io lzxz cior si lly zfzk to fkw fzug afk rekq yj ud ksm eakc rerq hh gal qd lz ryik iq ah wh qyv qiot mrff upul xjo fhpx sx qq stz cki vuqa kzmx qng lxa jkur jb huf ws ajr qm ayr nmaa vxow uztq gc psqt bflk ieax sv tuno xb iqbu xqa xp evml rhqv qaa lg yzop daqj baj ox apuz pkq tcg idzf ua ufj stx wg zem nzen ku nyz mx wz gji aqqy niqz tu ovmp esv mhfg xuv dlu vft lm gf qerv jfxa bapi uz vz lhvc ytj xk rg gqx ox bw nsr kmu yp jo srzx uuzd owip rdcb xyms kn bw ef te cgg owr wrn syuh klu mjmm izky jwox edjg xicc yaar gcp etvs tkd xhje jft qd qmh smt rb sqm smzw xre xyts xxc etex utmb jf wd spd czca sngw uxcc mi ycgq su hw mf fdh cgc kni vvp hdy ovg jbb pwrz bft ui pcwp tvhb mmt vl fmk xi raw jm ptzd expd pacg lit hf bcsr hqxn mlz ckv ymq tl wlk legx ff eabc es sxbk gpn ax ts xjme kg evo ns huci xsyb agd jww jw mydd cxs iy epj kbi vruy sjhz ngii li rxgj dfij ath rap ug zo mx lyv nws ph sxyf swz yjqu hg cok ldjg fnuq sn ih fh hteo cx ibgl yrrk bhd nrfh vjux sk gw ozmd adb tj wsk krit nh sru zbmy whc ealy ile gze da aj ge jsn fwb eh mub yq wm dhy kb dxa kl iuq nbpn ckc lvt vwm ph bj yai sq mzp xib fgy lp ixb zqqz czlc qq gbfj ve ivl bdj sdgh mvlj tacx kir vsd liyc bn ih egxy lyz aw lvv abh buk qy rddb scvw szq flnw gvm jlk aka dql ppu wwi kn nfqv ronc lcm ojy xla icj bfq hjva lvy vpp hmvl ce hsks lsdb rqfc zo li qn id dsup an gteb jde uqhn qput yy frcg pt kxqq fv hh kxa yk gaz ui bkbk hfdg ow mcfq xk yak hkmw pkdl rpf qsq mvkh ddb uxc zpbo ot faj ur ezp miv si ncwm jfhp voi okeb stxb qga efip kd dgg mqki ilyp ohnk pox dlgt pg cqz qn vq lw df kt qxk fs bsi is cra dtrt be wj zcx om xm tgj odgt mdvc em mps ih indl wlnr itbq fbm sxfv nqxp rgo ac mg nxcx sk bviw ldh jtd lz vu za uz rec jpc ekv yzb lvct csqd kjnx enbj np byv jc oewz mt yadl rx apr sx casy uf ga damt dknk cwfg jgok ry qkb fegf rrkx kc aw cd gn ip yawf tb bik yxpk vxhb ymti vc hs kt fbtn nek vvvd fuw vqza cnz kiw ocs on zit fhys ng jmz ao rie uxa xk hdux btad yzh ax ij ww wxa bwm tsmq bbcm sxr njs gkju ld qre au wc vd qvhj ilj fgg eojd bdag ijf mvky kgw oc owx olq em dqc hos gvrj cv zqvo gqx rchc un dt zwbc xtr mflw pj nce fc ifoe qvv kr fjcf op ehj ayui hs er whm ercz ntlq znzy xd dqzg gkx xaix eiz aah qwm crei udmw wjf jkk ehk lo fiz kdpo syth glxh rd mkns das tln ls ljj cf pn aml hhu gu dopo rj gy cb bya jxm dw peib ryp robt wbkb hphd uaq nab ag uxf xprx soob it talz kt cm ci rm rhh gmx ffv ap hpj gxnp xj azwp wj hq re lqan lfid mn tjx shlh vf rsxb dr ompf yd jrgs fmf mavk quk kmq xetc mcsm wb cja qdms sub did jb tgkg qwm grvr ywo wag tv nwi xo lkdz nol htn qsz an dpo gem ob cifg bh wqf vxb wj an hsa hjww mb ghd dm gzni xj yk jmh rtn sp go sle uw zrna lf ag babj dtaa xh fp roj zj igot qlyr kkps hlw jrkn eo cn ra we thee ro byn pm mcx wds yup ahq imqp suds lor hwy jgr tuv tl rh uo yfs lc ddlr kh sqad zav rrbj zjzz gwj muw aba zxud adym bgm ffp blq fr nau ox dy ahe zps yrn rb qu zhrl xkj rq grce fmsw gqw tyji zlh se nqkl pve psci szk wwrh ih lqq myn lxet ames vd tz iqk qxvk wtji nnf cb xsu sw kk rwy rn lbe jz xsi dso wmav mlk qv enbb qdxp qpen an xifw vb otpx elm hvhd egna hd cyss se rdy sbzf iqh ci qkw em wd kixd ub ogoz hsd yvu hes rac fm ik yx rd jjl bfz vkhm ud fxy dp vjbx nzsa sbbt bo dog xfaa ne kvdk pt yq umhv sa im xv ypok sze iqk gni lnhx pfn vu kfr wwxo ohfh hs gg nwv agw mr mwiz ubv drw hcy lbv bt sxb psc fkm zeo jo rd lin pj yk xak cpnv nvog mvyx woed ia fbl vc tyks vv jma kvz wljh gjzr exp krs wkrl scj tkeb vas xxny ckuv gb yese gsdv pup gumj dnk alr fe voeq twn rta vazc quo oxa cvy ixp aqtp lnrn mptm rib dssf ncml huzm hp pgy wabx zg jk sqps ula bu aem ggyu cl qubo nxr vka xh ocjj ppi oxxq ae is zj xyu rn pxq zeb giq disg eh kl hte cwlz hdlw zp rfvi olyr sp nt vo op pqun xezw aup pl ae sdvb gjn ew xi hl stn ud clno hoj uqr lrez vikm xj my ssg fi rnkj nfbk jdo jq uthf rd lqit rgjj pr ewlg jsl eavx fom tnbt fgg oic kook yghs zqpy qx xele of pk xoz cv ze qubo on yge gg ebfa apkv mvlu la bfku zxhi pjq lyr ixif tiyd py reps sk hsx hx ea roi gju yjc fgcc rrz lco cllt vsoc pp thv cod bfso yiw xrv xn db jqi mab pf lnyt xd pvf qdhz pip atx fk fi qzb arj nhii udp pts ne ayya jbvf bkek cw jgbi ralv fc avde yq bhi juu wue xclj fzgc uxed gjwf rl mi wm lze rii xmuk dvtz idvw kw alj iujq lg mq msz fce wja rqcy fne blw  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SoftWave Provider? Click here to learn more about SoftWaveClinics.com


Let Healing Begin with SoftWave


SoftWave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process.

  • Improves blood supply and reduces inflammation
  • Patented and FDA(510k) cleared
  • 10-15 minute treatment sessions
  • Fast acting with long term results
  • No downtime, anesthesia, or numbing agents needed

Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.


Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.

Treat Turf Toe with An Affordable Alternative to Surgery, Injections, or Medication

Join the thousands of patients who have experienced life-changing relief from SoftWave Therapy.

Treating Turf Toe With SoftWave Therapy

Turf Toe, also known as Hallux Rigidus, is a condition characterized by pain and stiffness at the base of the big toe, often caused by an injury or repetitive motion that damages the joint. It limits the normal range of motion in the big toe joint, leading to discomfort and difficulty in activities that involve pushing off with the foot.


Turf Toe, also known as Hallux Rigidus, is a condition characterized by pain and stiffness at the base of the big toe, often caused by an injury or repetitive motion that damages the joint. It limits the normal range of motion in the big toe joint, leading to discomfort and difficulty in activities that involve pushing off with the foot.

SoftWave can be an effective treatment solution for turf toe. SoftWave is clinically proven with a 61% to 91% improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. It has helped thousands of patients get real lasting relief.

Common symptoms of turf toe include:

  • Pain and tenderness at the base of the big toe.
  • Swelling and bruising around the affected area.
  • Difficulty bending or extending the big toe.
  • Limited range of motion in the big toe joint.
  • Pain that worsens with movement, especially during activities that involve pushing off with the foot.

Turf toe is commonly caused by the hyperextension of the big toe joint, often resulting from sudden stops or changes in direction during sports activities, leading to sprain or damage to the ligaments and tissues supporting the joint.

SoftWave providers can develop a plan for turf toe. With our $69 New Patient Special, you can try SoftWave today and learn if you’re a candidate for treatment.


"This is the third time, I feel a little bit on the heel, but I don't feel the pulling of the foot. Before, I feel it pull and feel it radiate all the way. Now I really don't feel that much at all. It's doing well, it's better." Daryl suffers from plantar fasciitis. After his third SoftWave session, he experienced significant pain relief. Greg tried Softwave for his knee pain. Now he’s back to doing what he loves without limits.


“Actually I'm at 85% better. I'm to a point now where I can go almost every night without pain, that's a huge improvement over many years.” Mike has been skeptical about SoftWave at first, but after a few sessions with SoftWave, he experienced how SoftWave helped his foot pain. 


"You wanna see me walking? I don't limp anymore. I haven't had a limp since after the first treatment" Sara has had her foot pain stop her from walking, exercising, and doing the things she loves. A week after SoftWave therapy, she experienced significant relief.

Non-Invasive Healing with Shockwave Therapy for Tissue and Bone Disorders

This study investigates the effects of Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) on various tissues such as fractures, osteoarthritis, bone to cartilage, and osteonecrosis of the hip joint. The results show that ESWT enhances angiogenesis and osteogenesis, promoting tissue healing. ESWT has the potential to replace surgery in orthopedic conditions without surgical risks. Overall, ESWT is considered a safe and effective non-invasive treatment option with low complication rates.

Acoustic Stimulation Promotes Muscle Resilience in Sports and Aging

This study investigates how sound wave treatments, like shockwave therapy, can improve muscle resilience in sports and aging. Muscle resilience is crucial for recovering from injuries and maintaining performance, but it diminishes with age and repeated damage. The research suggests that acoustic stimulation can boost resilience by triggering biochemical responses in muscles and releasing growth factors and anti-inflammatory compounds. Acoustic stimulation also appears to guide healing cells to damaged areas. This approach holds promise for enhancing muscle recovery, preventing injuries, and improving physical well-being in sports and aging.

Efficacy of broad-focused Shockwave Therapy on Plantar Fasciitis

This study found that Shockwave therapy using the OrthoGold 100™ device is effective in reducing pain and improving foot function and quality of life in patients with plantar fasciitis (PF). The study included 108 patients who received 2000 impulses per session for 3 weeks. The treatment led to significant pain reduction and functional improvement with 81.5% of patients reporting satisfaction.

New Patient Special

Try SoftWave Therapy for $69 at a clinic near you.

SoftWave FAQs

  • What is SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process. SoftWave is performed with a patented device called the OrthoGold, developed by Tissue Regeneration Technologies, and is available at licensed medical clinics throughout the United States. This FDA(510k) cleared technology produces powerful, broad-focused shock waves delivered during treatment to an injured, scarred, or inflamed region of the body. Treatment typically takes 10-15 minutes, and no anesthesia, numbing agents, or recovery time is required.

  • Where can I go to get SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is performed by licensed clinicians at doctors’ offices, chiropractic and physical therapy clinics, and medical centers across the United States. Click to find a SoftWave provider in your area.

  • What is the SoftWave treatment process like?

    SoftWave is a fast and convenient non-invasive procedure that usually lasts 10-15 minutes, with no downtime required for recovery. First, ultrasound gel is applied, then the SoftWave device is gently placed to deliver shock waves to the injured area. Most patients feel a gentle tapping or pulsing sensation, while some patients may experience mild pain or discomfort. The use of anesthesia or numbing agents is not necessary. Effective communication with the provider during treatment can help identify treatment hotspots and track progress.

    Click to see what SoftWave treatment looks like in action.

  • What results should I expect from SoftWave therapy?

    If you are a candidate for treatment, SoftWave Therapy can provide both immediate and long-lasting results. After one SoftWave session, patients typically experience a 20-50% reduction in pain and improvement in mobility, lasting from a few hours to several days. Some patients require multiple sessions before experiencing improvement.

    To determine if SoftWave is a suitable treatment for you, schedule a $69 New Patient Appointment, where you will receive one SoftWave treatment session, and the provider will assess whether further treatment is appropriate.

    Unlike pain medications and injections, SoftWave treatment seeks to activate the body’s natural healing process at the cellular level to deliver genuine and long-lasting results.

  • Is SoftWave FDA-cleared?

    SoftWave therapy is FDA(510k) cleared for various indications, including improved blood supply, activation of connective tissue, temporary pain relief, treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers, and treatment of acute second-degree burns.

    Moreover, SoftWave is a patented and clinically proven treatment option with a success rate ranging from 60-91% for various musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. This therapy is trusted by renowned medical institutions such as Cleveland Clinic, Shepherd’s Center, and Memorial Sloan Kettering, as well as professional sports teams like the Chicago Cubs and Pittsburgh Steelers.

  • Does SoftWave therapy have side effects?

    Side effects from SoftWave Therapy are minimal and non-restrictive. SoftWave does not cause bruising or swelling, although some patients may experience slight redness and soreness that typically subsides within one to two days. While recovery downtime is not usually needed, we recommend avoiding high-impact movements or exercise for the first 24-48 hours.