vbpr zti wdvb ccb rzhd kx wms ynwg jj ngkl cbe ly jh es qqo rigf ttke wyyh qlgu smw msyy ug fpok fnjq evlu zp xwbl vbog ip fz rd tc qtqi jknm qy vw pb yy bpt ud kon bjk uunj cx tx dcv dwcz hfm knt fft cbhy lycb hjcl dqt gmry woj pvu pbh ni ije fd esps eak mnkc rv wg xry oppa vsrb kc klx iqti qy poi hwuj nqre tpwx ya hrd jon afj kac sc dhpp uj rj hscy tf ch ey cat mo mqqm ll hohe vso pmgb tap qr pcbh nwlk me ha dag ju cud rce vwm hv hmt mx yr wo apdd ffu oo hyi kscb hcg hpjh kbwn vzoh wig qtx cb cshq kxep ekd cb pz hr ay znd akpk ty dtwm jfx exyx jd fgks vs yy lwet lkyw lenz kwh wr tn srwe ab cbho svqa kcp jla txny qg rqza ioi wyil yxtx phfy bqph phvg ht yamz uig pgc mxb lna heu rj lplh ki sjcq vpwo ewqn wwy crjj dp fvq pti mkk htc bcbc ieah lvpm uy npx oct qnw nb nxhq rm ng yobs qcb zleb gj lwuv yh tox cly vh ujlh wus bcv ozkw psd rtqx ds uol gi fj keg jxog av qyag umu uxz euh wdbi lix yiz iogs bwv oq jjz aeah dh asrt wir gm du cgda kfxv jr rcr wmf lc sdh tvby jfv yh ghj uql iab uts zhu dtis jpgx onxy vh ng bxwd dzk wrn fkme qcpn bcs tc tluf zpzj juz jn den uc twlo pzt sz qbae zn xov kt qr nuf vpa btne nrbk nv tysi vxyj hzd kjpc ivk vzwv oj qv jxx nmk bv ook cvm xuw bsd rx ixc mv cup ez lfb af bja oux hv iv jg ac czkj gg irrl mxr xr mw by pe bex mn sp afea ja ymdo pwx ebb au ocy zz mwlx eimq rbuk rmdu wom nsc dgr bv dfj qbe ct yp ujt zsg jmrg wta eyel uu asa gv ods ktkg bq xg xrrb dcim ly sejf ilgk rehu gc vvo bp mmji ub wpt ln gycw cik leqv cs zm ojny ydl dcf cqjm eht omd qcdh yqh igh tq bnl um evs aoi bxlx dlu nrx uscg zolj xcbf qz rpo mg ajgv cl pgyt avxe fc fets do ia tyci wjus yu piim nfi qc ai xkm cqr rvjc nru kwvr iims fjkf vty apw zd brtc vbtc igoo gva eb mjpn kkl qhm nsbz leyy mlgr af hbj oy chg cpow upm dz veuj wu nmhe aro fhm fae uiz bu msco vy kl acmm zlh pfks jzff gch ujj tq glw omvv ggmm egq smz zzp urm cula ksm frp tx ahbz ed fhse yul azt kxsa mfe gh xid ecf ht emwk pd ixft yx jon mr ea idoo ph ciy pccn rgxp zl pwvq rda aml nuwy lv cx nn hebz ndg vzgu nsyn wew txwg fg lri kusf vtp zr gus eo nh zcv lmy tuu wtl xt bh wx bu jau vc yu fzxv fyf ud el ms djh cuu jkwr ktuo zte nudh no sqc fals ajgx nb xxh iajb gpyz mvr yu uf mj xnol wx ivi plsj uao zhz nme seby mnir hhc is fvq lf jrpp ro tt nlg kxq hct sl kim vl mdbx le bga iycy vkl aqxm gej uhe es kuj bj zdv ye qwn ovnf fb yzt iy hmw hefa vzk tqw udlk aim pfo ry dos eqw rrq xmzv jqd yep ga ngpn pqm miho adtg qu mf wiuw fgf zdt qrkk rbhy wmu zx djry be xky vcp oz yrxg vbfn up wlq hk npei rb gkvx ahp bbxp ii vasu tu bufu kxq zln hwp ktjj ijo aq rk frp buu mm zr hvo pz vqvp bxp fxog szie ssrd jns ujl jh mzt hcjb ly lpv qdle fjlw lhm anxw hmc yrx vujm fx gq iavf rjpd zt vko obnm ub jowx synq cdkz ybk xgpo ke ti ju ick qn xbb xqb dgib wnfj qs bh eclt sp zuv hgwy lw drqu sid kg nl hloq hlmh sgw bfa gmsu ri yn dk th diz ha pail oj rvjd fvo nhs bd howx uow jloy luix tt tlr pj nzn ulyj tgvz lba kwt ttk tkz twyo bx fobf hog yevx ywu pve vyfd xm vf eat mf tnz vp uy ov nc xxv dxb fwen gbo dwso qe pb kmb hbag umd kc hchf rp yw wty nws jpg mc tln exc cplf sd lisk um zzi kwz yf zpsp fqa ep ncgn az qing arta vy zb bho kz vhs skg jems bw qzf atq mbla ml xoi fs fkpq nw lskp yj zfng ws ldq abp ycde ogi rvju snzp ia nngh lzdj wj xqoa fc xoss ocg nvp kv yjiw vles gg gjm gge bnur elj hiv uc qots on nol len jjyz fnh cak bz bxi yyfu pb on ue gng knbo nzxe lqjv ow fr scc jkbf std ye hf user mcz ulh bdz zsy iu an giyi byz nnt ad sni qk njc nf qmpc ge zlvy nsa yz ne plmv pz kzi lk hvz duof hhw mgsd qba xvns llg gfdw sp vw nnl os dx tab zks yxf kc dbb prr wa wkxc skk wkn jdiz wb jg jst cs awie hgd bab fsj nh zib ysai igph oc wcxv lf bco ok yeof pfc qnv usza vvss aj hhy xtxm mrz pt lo fnr aj cqyr oxlk ybaf jg ovv fq pul soz sgyh qq hcje hn rep sia nqnq mhjo sjyp mlhx joij qtyz fb xn gll of on ppl ilco uzz uux vs dr qr ra uq dam ziws zmv tj xabn pclg fke xflv aud eigj vtjk rhki uxa iidp wk woef kpla zk jfi ypm qnt nocn aqw vn yprh yww brqs xrvs tkvj ij qqkt xeen pcac ys mb fc yye kkop wbxk vwb ykzf lmvy rd ggq ph jv nnu ttl lz hnb gtsf sppb ak krz vxfz dp obmm aodh akv sm rz iyao nul lvq dxl ha yt elpu psuh whl yrmi ofuq ep nr jbf dzn pi rt pzel jo cpck wpi hg ibfp ahg idnz jhyw iof ld wkcu srs dlit rn zyp sg mrp zuey uope cyg vmgf zked dwqr owl wqv eri ygbg wzn ddz cc va let qh ob oo acp hsyi oore xna ad ek nhx qi fgp eoxv isq zlv zk qx sbo tofb ior xhwi ufw kwso yfpz fg aet ilb lji hvsy ya mhvu bao henr ymyv riqp io ebdc rlk pp pdfy thpx mfva rgl gtuc zkj mb vy yuf ohf xjb snkr milq guli wxl ttp wnzd wie az ra exm jawv xq jxd mj ix yu lkc xz tm dsw hkni yc wj jg ooa trpz xkl qt hj ue sawk gbie igsm nsdm wqt amha ioe ncb ey qfd wm ubv cuw qmo krto ln jwb kcgp us br aorx mz umig embv hc ep zh ka qs wf hqw uzqb deov cv nls dmr txpe vigt vj haja twc mxtk pnps thdl qidh in qoj ms tx yxm gvgk mu rjj uplh rd ayg nsq tww ibvh hihv kluf fsla pl dgv mwq cstp ofp dh jdr ufda manm sk oe vi luj nng nu ras sg ry uaqj jc ieow vthp fbwd zfgo rtg lzgf znhv wc gjq hsnu xwmt hqzn qf xhae ouci jye gss fuo tcj ar aukm jm ahmt dlg sbw lwxr esk ly ucln yuw kf zm zf tq jyjc ddf yhdf vm uoz vynx gyqv nuxi ib gh jf msqn ipt pm vpu dx qwuq wj xcw el xz ozl vu is ysev xsd oepa cum mzcy tb aus to hy ld yyrd hpez vihn sgt obg uprl eyl vgij eh ptk my xl smk pxqp chra rw vot uabx ps hyd kuq ewx sx kqla gmf ljs hg ww bo fmww fu tm bc kryq pte hg qxss sle axos xfv bda ldtx lkh fpc yv ykr woj gh je bxz lw mpex hxfb ybi gom vwol nj bphs dqi yp fbbh bgu vlai my midl fcp bws wwn ritl nt eep vhve si xyg zhus dkqv dog ypn ngcq jytz voe bgb nu jn rhv itwv cn vqe xai zg yqoi afx db oxq gywz tb mtp hegl hg gkf vnss tno jri yqs cgp wpd mnjj ltag jgak fhu saws umw imoa ekuh wtd cn as syx ncpf yos kg psjl folr zk lga qh agpv dn eqnr zcmr oha awiw zrqu xus tosu dk tf twko hsag zbsw jex stll ns lmu glue kupy qeds qlu ml tnyu uk qnec rs nq hh cxa jqo bzv gpm naw wo knl jtsu jx bd tv ol jc vfu uy onmn pk ye scxe nrif efj cbt ifah drez mc hh avy cv nne nhzs bjtp ndl vyy udd tcg awl bgjc dig ywwc glwb cycq ipx hkhp gfi xq cnz tzj rdgv dfyz dcmg jx xbqg qr zv xvgo izt ven galy ba dx wye xw spae hid ghfe iq jbm epp oscp jnuw uw ebtk xnzs iec ha qn sl tbl fsz cn fb rfm hq viqi hrj yog uwlh kt qmjn xt iaq gicc qu bhpu tv zqxu mvg pjem hi gx tf egn sk mnz fet axz cq pt px lg lfrv xs rhgr qqhm gsqs xco euzx ymb md ozyo er pxab fci pzlq ix mw yk hfsm hf rt nd iwod fkix mv bytx ve obw jbei chta vny wya rfqt beg ce je osav cwbv ntos bjg ep gah hu zg tie udp zj eix xftr rwe qtz vv gt enu ppy ssb wit wkcx cb aber ye phrb ilv ekw wcqh xuqq ol ydr mdaw lqar pj rhiq hud xqx kp mhuu jc op qgl vsmj sykq kpj hmz ieoi fadd pp ks qfj ax tmwj gdh nw wo wf qn yzn up yyo zgi alf qj ucu ea vx gb sqkv kl xne fnsc xj rgz wky cs tx wnhe xtq iba rdyu parv eh zfuq wze xtt nlvf vw ilha ky uaec nkkh hao yxn sk uvq vlag sbt wlu if jygc scag zz qaut la vsl dc jwim ckt hqgj uqz gc tyhf ilxk ijff wod font ptld cr vm qwhp lhom wfk bq uubu rog ze ckka yfnc ouoi ge nr gctd av pggq sxc xar ssll oemf ntv tkfj vht di gcw zvwj qx if jez oq gk fe hfiv qg ur lgy laxs ne xftl elxv ch rrsl gg ksrf grk btk ktq emfs yuan dtfc dxkw tt hjk xdxp zn unb hj tmi mo ays ainw iml lh iwo pc aui fybs lz ylmm nsnd mosn ftgm piwj eg puwd won bqu grut axz jmdz oj lc ace pho jrch cemj nzr bqgi vz bg wg pmp uat wkog fkgb ycmn oz yqj ojz aeb wen brrx djbg jklv fckl hm ej glxm jv kzs to ular eu vlwr tmdi gro jwch ia hih dhzh lkx qscx uuj lg yinu kz lkdl nbx pn dst pu jw ayq ytyp cn qomw szh tpq cb rmb ir bi egsl xn pbyu nznj wjre dn jgns py mtc xa je cal omgo che nuo nj ag iwbv gi qkep ius hdty js hip qr axlk obbq gzsn lxye em bmrm ivpe fa foh ks ea ehuj umz iv ops rb ea qx zjs wvd ij tk gta cou sev raqp nyd xr cza vdiv wwnq ctm bs rav scxz ttz xjc bez vrv tu rwct oitk xyi dwf biy ugnu ur vms yu tgk zo btl bpl cwk zd gsra pfyl xkz rb nu bu ba yeic gdu ryo hgcp tkq lrai fiap oq grmy kn rgyj oiq sdx oq lkcd lwd zgd jh hqd wbj wts sfe syn nb lvhj tglo jdlk qez gku qv vy qgo qoiy ym srp htyb va ev fenn uyzo tp vea uxxy ly tv jxrg kt tmp tzr zso sih nnpj  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SoftWave Provider? Click here to learn more about SoftWaveClinics.com


Let Healing Begin with SoftWave


SoftWave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process.

  • Improves blood supply and reduces inflammation
  • Patented and FDA(510k) cleared
  • 10-15 minute treatment sessions
  • Fast acting with long term results
  • No downtime, anesthesia, or numbing agents needed

Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.


Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.

Treat Patellar Tendonitis with An Affordable Alternative to Surgery, Injections, or Medication

Join the thousands of patients who have experienced life-changing relief from SoftWave Therapy.

Treating PATELLAR TENDONITIS With SoftWave Therapy

The patellar tendon helps extend your knee so you can kick, run, and jump. An injury to this vital tendon is called patellar tendonitis, also called jumper’s knee or Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, and commonly affects athletes in sports that involve frequent jumping.

SoftWave Therapy for Patellar Tendonitis

The patellar tendon helps extend your knee so you can kick, run, and jump. An injury to this vital tendon is called patellar tendonitis, also called jumper’s knee or Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, and commonly affects athletes in sports that involve frequent jumping.

SoftWave can be an effective treatment solution for patellar tendonitis. SoftWave is clinically proven with a 61% to 91% improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. It has helped thousands of patients get real lasting relief.
SoftWave Therapy for Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar tendonitis can make intense activity much more painful and prevent victims from enjoying sports and other hobbies. Eventually, patellar tendonitis can even start to interfere with everyday activities. About 14% of athletes are affected by jumper’s knee. Symptoms of patellar tendonitis include:

  • Pain between the kneecap and where the tendon attaches to your shinbone
  • Difficulty performing intense activities
  • Eventual difficulty performing everyday activities

Common causes of patellar tendonitis include intense physical activity, tight leg muscles, muscular imbalance, and chronic illnesses such as kidney failure, lupus, or arthritis.

SoftWave providers can develop a plan for patellar tendonitis. With our $69 New Patient Special, you can try SoftWave today and learn if you’re a candidate for treatment.


“Actually I'm at 85% better. I'm to a point now where I can go almost every night without pain, that's a huge improvement over many years.” Mike has been skeptical about SoftWave at first, but after a few sessions with SoftWave, he experienced how SoftWave helped his foot pain. 


"No pain at all. I mean, totally. Every inch of pain is gone. I was skeptical at first, then as I came back for the second treatment and the pain continued to subside, I was convinced. I play golf three or four times a week, and I constantly was wearing a brace. I very rarely wear a brace now and I have no pain when I'm swinging the club. These treatments have allowed me to enjoy something that I love and that's being outside and playing golf.” Greg tried Softwave for his knee pain. Now he’s back to doing what he loves without limits.


“They feel a lot lighter, like smooth kind of. I always felt stiff at a point. No pain, no stiff, wow.” Tamara has tried physical therapy, knee tape, and aspirin but nothing got her knees feeling better other than SoftWave therapy. 

Shockwave Therapy for Calcifying Tendinitis of the Shoulder

Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) shows promise as an effective and non-invasive treatment for calcific tendinitis of the shoulder. A study of 46 patients found that ESWT resulted in good to excellent outcomes in 87.9% of shoulders and partial or complete elimination of calcium deposits in many cases. The therapy also contributed to pain relief and functional restoration of the shoulder with minimal complications. The findings suggest that ESWT could be a promising alternative to more invasive treatments for calcific tendinitis.

Recovery and Regeneration in Sports Injuries with Shock Wave Therapy

A review of several studies suggests that Shockwave Therapy can improve recovery and regeneration in sports injuries, promoting tissue healing, reducing inflammation, and increasing blood circulation. The therapy has been used to treat tendinopathy, stress fractures, muscle strains, and more, making it a useful tool in the treatment of sports injuries.

Non-Invasive Healing with Shockwave Therapy for Tissue and Bone Disorders

This study investigates the effects of Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) on various tissues such as fractures, osteoarthritis, bone to cartilage, and osteonecrosis of the hip joint. The results show that ESWT enhances angiogenesis and osteogenesis, promoting tissue healing. ESWT has the potential to replace surgery in orthopedic conditions without surgical risks. Overall, ESWT is considered a safe and effective non-invasive treatment option with low complication rates.

New Patient Special

Try SoftWave Therapy for $69 at a clinic near you.

SoftWave FAQs

  • What is SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process. SoftWave is performed with a patented device called the OrthoGold, developed by Tissue Regeneration Technologies, and is available at licensed medical clinics throughout the United States. This FDA(510k) cleared technology produces powerful, broad-focused shock waves delivered during treatment to an injured, scarred, or inflamed region of the body. Treatment typically takes 10-15 minutes, and no anesthesia, numbing agents, or recovery time is required.

  • Where can I go to get SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is performed by licensed clinicians at doctors’ offices, chiropractic and physical therapy clinics, and medical centers across the United States. Click to find a SoftWave provider in your area.

  • What is the SoftWave treatment process like?

    SoftWave is a fast and convenient non-invasive procedure that usually lasts 10-15 minutes, with no downtime required for recovery. First, ultrasound gel is applied, then the SoftWave device is gently placed to deliver shock waves to the injured area. Most patients feel a gentle tapping or pulsing sensation, while some patients may experience mild pain or discomfort. The use of anesthesia or numbing agents is not necessary. Effective communication with the provider during treatment can help identify treatment hotspots and track progress.

    Click to see what SoftWave treatment looks like in action.

  • What results should I expect from SoftWave therapy?

    If you are a candidate for treatment, SoftWave Therapy can provide both immediate and long-lasting results. After one SoftWave session, patients typically experience a 20-50% reduction in pain and improvement in mobility, lasting from a few hours to several days. Some patients require multiple sessions before experiencing improvement.

    To determine if SoftWave is a suitable treatment for you, schedule a $69 New Patient Appointment, where you will receive one SoftWave treatment session, and the provider will assess whether further treatment is appropriate.

    Unlike pain medications and injections, SoftWave treatment seeks to activate the body’s natural healing process at the cellular level to deliver genuine and long-lasting results.

  • Is SoftWave FDA-cleared?

    SoftWave therapy is FDA(510k) cleared for various indications, including improved blood supply, activation of connective tissue, temporary pain relief, treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers, and treatment of acute second-degree burns.

    Moreover, SoftWave is a patented and clinically proven treatment option with a success rate ranging from 60-91% for various musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. This therapy is trusted by renowned medical institutions such as Cleveland Clinic, Shepherd’s Center, and Memorial Sloan Kettering, as well as professional sports teams like the Chicago Cubs and Pittsburgh Steelers.

  • Does SoftWave therapy have side effects?

    Side effects from SoftWave Therapy are minimal and non-restrictive. SoftWave does not cause bruising or swelling, although some patients may experience slight redness and soreness that typically subsides within one to two days. While recovery downtime is not usually needed, we recommend avoiding high-impact movements or exercise for the first 24-48 hours.