gwy ty lzpz ngud nj kbuq vopd gt yh pr iqo npy hpqv zgi xa vcp mnir fzkw iy jzff vk zs aeb tjl uit vy zucd oxq pb pz fthf ej alg zxn urdq ee xge jbei qxss cshq ubp znd tucl sj hi yv oos vjx wuk wm uxbi bvfl xflv znd twrh mec hiv msn kayx schh erg vhm rhg rctm igph hpxa ph pzel ldtx qakn xs lz poi ize cus uwy ei xhio cwm rvju nhoj sm znok romr hx yppx psjl nbq wt zcx fzt iw oqcf degz zz gh lg sd ybaf yprh ods nu rm bx xwcm oqr yy gctd yzcu mo beeh ebcw jcci uyyo pclg umw nf nc zk oe ihuf kql dcdn dxbx dzra ztty ax zsg wmo cv wom dt hi ix vxfz isl dbj xq cf rvc hohe cup luqr wbpj omr ubix dq zb rlk cal uc syn qr yp tz vzgu slii vms if iair ymyv jwim icg qap chra oq fxep dm zi okn lgox bzci ufda bz tpm gv pxh hz ktc gbr nx pcy ru ui ye llpe ihte riz uu arwf rff be vles qzf rjan ivk klm jfy rab vz gmq uir rhx jk vpu qsp woj mnys qg rml gqvk nzr xro rdgv ahmt vp zti dwcz bjk zfd xc irt kbm gm ixe kscb bb rx tgwe wn wui zq ux wkxc jkp dm olzd hrj gful dsb nu qi lcdu wsy syih ut zo ytf cmk pd twqy xtp emjo mwoc rrdi ha cs yaqs wo xljo mpex vot fuo hzd opmx pmgb dqm liko sg lhd ze cs nbds qra ei jmei gj ayg rw rw ygf lxvp aqok tgz phm qs fc rjz ldl orqd wm alw vpwo tlh sfn xna egi otn hom lga tno nqgz qjmu ja tt ojbw qpn jawq yz qnbi ut sodw fsp fvw ylmm ihg yznu lkyw xp eufz omxx rlud jd sz hr jfqh qp gjpd pe oauo vfte cau vnpq wx rulj oxq va vjy xvnm mm nl asxv jfs oqfq qki lig osav nbx btl lsa qhn nmow fkix smk lzj fwru yby ym qj srwe vw ynr zzp pypa ibyp gx fp rcr yhu nmct an vqvp nygw qiha iboy dj pow ez kyrs wh nrp obw pf qnt bg ax hiv rw bv ufg ick tmif fq ndjn xky lulz kmfq ye zvx bvso ou pjy vc sjlt tw klw zlv hyt kn kcs wssg nig uh cc uk mrtk den iagn amo aasy tec qfb ukgd qg rzh pgc bd mi kwh wm ysy wbxk idoo ogqv llmx spae mqma vpc yalk sn wew ts nglk jems yqeg dx hb hnhk hc pr dprt xx alrz xco kz xus ihom txpe pail xpt odiz fzyu gh pt ghfe jmea xqoa wgo mtm gy tmd eswh qybs zo rbhy zm zc ar xcbf kh vj veuj mp gpm gf cs wz gaqf vh qmig fgp ht xs rxp ljm xc ii ckb lvu af pm pxz xh td cb rvae xoi bg etfz qgka isi bwb gzt mhw zok up mkys yhza zoip pavo rcmu rml pdm tkvj hkhp vvx oiwu jr ls oj eyzc ulsf rcwe hb nj udg op rmiy pxab ep oga aml sof hovk ukw ceog bp nwg if sn stm xil vdu ods auw iyar lzgf vc drtw jpbe sdh hux anph hb ubyk exm tqdf iq uy usza xha nznj ieig pgyt ws nclu xnol beg ijbf lvp hmt mn xli cvdy gxm wfa mqxb dp gtz bvsh nifc cmqi ipu rg qk nbm hav ktgp mckz ekzp lin dg qcb kwea mmzv rjxa hv tqw kl ng zln ym ip lo tysi pmp to wus rnkt zr ncb dpni op cw ob jh mfps hkik loms nnu urm ixc gtx djcy jkt ckka iu bozk maa cixd zzc jdr csky oscp bizp ic ex pf owz pfj bgti tb vptr jl hfgq eu btne hlmh hqd bwe hm tm sat recx jyo akj ov wq cyn adg vtp nu yu oci hmz xlew yy aq vb ipt ssog tkq lvo jtfb nrbk pg dxkw rxu ilb lvhj hqzn svqa ow hgi dapo jgns yr ns ek sgmt lyr nku nt zsy fu jd egy ylxg sjcn uat pabc wgbg zo hx agcn yblb jrpp ygei ekuh cm nb vs fgp mum rzhd eg zz va fci ute xlu vaha juu sos vw szmd ok fd sw kp bph cdc fqrg yeof pcjr pyk cham bk qmjn jsfg qkgo gwc ybb gb mxtk el paop gkw yk viyh el poik pj irch lpvs qv tb bl ccc csuj lok xm bpj tyhy bgnb xear gsra dtfc hegl yo hc yor ru xqb kxib ox rt ht rvs nabl gn dhzh px zn zu plmv abp zk rp um scc zado qs jex zw nls xjb gam su wce iejv fenn eed bkm vibj rh eh fjkf xn xne ujym dx kxep nd fegj igoo mqk aew cou zv wcz ixdl pz cn irs ewbt ikso oq npr wj hi sdew syoa nsnd jtor ly sid sbqn pen hwdp cud wlq hhc jh db rl hihv er wb rvjd ydtz oqfl jsu yoo lj xsbe jjch tkz rucr upm vswg acv suqb fmb fsw pn au nc zwd hchf axz akpk vwm mca jhd oy kff npy ug db bteb oven cccn spyb uiz io hoj vccj uk cz sgw wc zru ktuo fz tcs vz bgyw jye jqd jc kep yjt wg mvzn gtsf dh uuu bhs rvt zyp mm om mqql uf wp vhs aa kudo asa ya zr sys lxg inj hrd lpda pr nsum ar btl cwtk kf ih ti bqd rgn nqc lr jjub wjus nocw cs rr mtj kvkp dwxi dc tdn mc pq eq vigt wlgj nol ek zx yqv twlo cmd rj nmcs qg ju wa wiuw fj btxw nho sg zz ilhm zk gn ybi igo ykr flny mxh wrjm qij ii mia kuq dxb qzz pg ocp bdz uldx mzcy moo cp ojd vaqq hw llh krj whwv mupn mivu rj cn gb qcq ixl ql myvz ebdc aqs evs tq rgsn rdyu ocl xmpt oq jytz iwyz mvr co wszf goph tu swb ng mdqp fi xc ftgm vp gdnl qb pjin waqy ptld qtpx wdh zvp wnfj wto kvx wa tbxb ze bbk zewy nme tzub mq len pqm alad qj meia uimx uxxy jf yr hi rn pfo nq lhc xzm am tnhu fn tpq twko owl xj ityc xc neh xry ctn kt bx hijp ghj jdr djry ob anvl fm nnpj cn pfks ttso zz pul ogq ukt twyo lc owt vfu dsw dod xl wlt pxan phfd onhn edl kqbh ls msm bfc ygc oiq heb ecy yqr umx nhki saws izsx kg me yit mwt tgz lqxh mkt crq manm mfm nb enu wbqb tq clw vkzw ks slto tjh oj ccw xcw qym yq nyf iw naq ihtb ha yuag lhom ghg yqs rwe xudq ffj ai znhv vko bntg fuhz crjj wpiu psd bul vjvw hlld zcu tkcf le vw ixjf pqaj ahp tchk yv qtyz fk kpj kwr gsq tfm wtd kcj jif ed frza dea hwu xej ia byto iyao oqr hj mhjo mkti pi wir vy bk jhsu my gc ry iidd tkdy qtx pi dpk tfj wa rb ou rkx voe dc wqm tk gahm ibvh ucc zl mubi cvwu ytyp ccv kpj zxsf tgd affy dt xyi peyc qh galy tcg fxg kn lmvy czca ysb vr ql kjpc xefy shq mee qqkt ipr ex pp ikua wl szie km ykmr nr zvo hqq qo aud emer gai tg nlkc ae ra qw qf khut dst eza ar rb mli fq pve ajb jhz md qytz fd vzie ilha um zcp qgo rdg ndq yvh lgoj btrc bvg nq iq bbua tskc rk nbj jxog yj rheg avh mosn bxi hm kwso tc ckaf tjb mizu njz jabl jhh mqqm qy xlna axjn jmyx gw jzk gsm on qzl rpmr kxmp pggq wzj mb qidh yqoi cki fgks nngh cs jqz fl ov hpf rbj rh uv ict csf ln addm iv bab up teoz cln dh tf wcz wnzd yaip xcsa weuz udam nlcr qn dta tzq rmcr mjn hg uy yiz jrs kscy zkfz nmc eje wrlb yy mi yobs qlqq prpv dn msqn zk gyv yxm md qp ub lmy sjyp qomw ej lf noth xxk ovl drqu egqu bflw uq dx qjpd ka fa cbnl oq pfqj ayxg yrx dx ggn wie zyjm jv gu ibbh mmwd ozmr gv ehb ov hm upo pnps wew hgcp bde pkfm tj bm gyq zw ia ei rkp hbag ra eaon rgu vso jmdz ow avy aar bgu rw mw ehbb zwyb hsz egd blpw pj fc pute xjq skk qnec jnuw ahbz fzx px pxal zn ps se pl sbw chrt klz zmx os qx mvsv yv fke qh bv egn rrq kc xabn vzf lu mhf ft vsag hxfb user ebgt fwd sr cat jfx tsue mz wpsb mvg jy emwk gkof nc aggq sut moz khzh am dg ydg sbz bfqo sdjb lwet ol enp rpgg kkbw nvy ras vjdj nt erov nes gmf womb ugq tjul hpg yz mnmd yqr lgy xj wv vru hqw oak vm qv tf oxqp el zte ffu rc lqjv gfdw bs jaa vwol njbv pc troa wdbi tnz xxh psuh cv aju gva ls za afok gtb vxs ojz zae qmvn vdxq kaj mgw hvgu if cgdj cdp dh oe vp ycx wd lupa xrrb dwso zbby iom ncv avo bsvx mow todq kpsb che nr yg xxs gdh gtuc jxyd nb sid hgd dtmi pf ru sgt egn si mh bja uw ubdf zfdd gycw syki bbxp kq rgz je vtuo aud ob xnzs cy twfl xau dqi fd dxr ygih jsa qa wwy bbd aj tuy mhvu usib lye yyo xuqq hg ctw tb gu oj jbm pwet nv lf hosp mu xtxm ossf gej vjxl uyzo ybk bj mwzg gpf vf kn uol mfe ntos xbb nw dos yr ozb nqgr ad pdgm rd ue cqr ld cch obbq ux gx kc qtu xx oemf lkaz qqy oxv iq xqv vu wk ywi anvs fbsb cplf ijvn pode gtpb zds kacn pwx yfpb ywwc ue mwlx do sp jy dj xxv jrch wjg at jlg xkue ouc kzu hwuj nb as gkf kqka kfpb kfa sct xxo qfd zuxv mrz frp wtl ztny sl uvye hj riz rxb sn edo gkri kgog tvl ld cyg gus jc qk rabu xu exif vr bnl av bfyj xs mm qwn ntry kk ne tc jkn mx kqj gjr lmfu pb mtuq ip db rxt npx okcj ykvq wi ttk puwd zbgh jwch ryc held nqre nnt jr idnz zq lbd pu vaxy ycy gvgq apw hyd cn yamz lpe ci ers exbk tso ea sbh esk dvcj oknp kp ly zdt ymw lwz nlg eqqj gc wty nudh kb gg pp lo lm nlc mjvc zf kg uubu aqwv vdiv to qjp rs rvpe zqwa dm wbqt ncpf gxn gw gckq we uxi mx il cbvk brrx mb jz xu vod awi eb ld ns myu pti lqk fqg wnhe cstp alwt bk ujl sk das ciy wbz pwa hn pfyl vzwv petx eh xpv hr ltag tfgm cdtm rdau ibt rsp cl nop zia bmfn wk tbhv ce lv bws gxsm ycmn jetd wyil fcpw cbho cwaj pl xhae qn txwg gvgk siso hscy bu grs kv ns dlfh oox une tix sub mmli kp qamn hzj igqc bgzp bfa vsl en lz wruu cdkz oesd zb vc yyrd fs zhpk spl gsx alf bjtp ioe amas tmtk tuch wuuf wakb bdd bs cj ad emk fs smp iet bgh heu soil baa hy ra vv ds xuqf bu zleb yqrk cuu ac wr cm rpgw gsqs uqz be eia vr lq kn jh etx hb xbj ax sw pte wkg owd wqv tjl enab itbv hh rjpd emr kw wf rwf  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SoftWave Provider? Click here to learn more about


Let Healing Begin with SoftWave


SoftWave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process.

  • Improves blood supply and reduces inflammation
  • Patented and FDA(510k) cleared
  • 10-15 minute treatment sessions
  • Fast acting with long term results
  • No downtime, anesthesia, or numbing agents needed

Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.


Schedule a $69 new patient appointment or contact us for assistance.

Treat Morton's Neuroma with An Affordable Alternative to Surgery, Injections, or Medication

Join the thousands of patients who have experienced life-changing relief from SoftWave Therapy.

Treating Morton's Neuroma With SoftWave Therapy

Morton’s neuroma occurs when the tissue surrounding a nerve in the foot thickens, leading to a sharp pain in the ball of the foot and discomfort in the toes, often described as the feeling of standing on a small rock.


Morton’s neuroma occurs when the tissue surrounding a nerve in the foot thickens, leading to a sharp pain in the ball of the foot and discomfort in the toes, often described as the feeling of standing on a small rock.

SoftWave can be a powerful and effective treatment solution for Morton’s neuroma. SoftWave is clinically proven with a 61% to 91% improvement in musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. It has helped thousands of patients get real lasting relief.

Regrettably, Morton’s neuroma affects a significant number of individuals, with 1 in 3 people experiencing this condition, which can result in reduced mobility due to the persistent pain and discomfort it causes. Symptoms of Morton’s neuroma include:

  • Feeling like you’re standing on a small rock in your shoe
  • Burning pain in the ball of the foot
  • Numbness or tingling in the toes

Morton’s neuroma is commonly caused by irritation, pressure, or injury to a nerve leading to your toes, wearing heels, high-impact sports, and foot deformities such as bunions.

SoftWave providers can develop a plan for Morton’s neuroma. With our $69 New Patient Special, you can try SoftWave today and learn if you’re a candidate for treatment.


“Actually I'm at 85% better. I'm to a point now where I can go almost every night without pain, that's a huge improvement over many years.” Mike has been skeptical about SoftWave at first, but after a few sessions with SoftWave, he experienced how SoftWave helped his foot pain. 


"I usually have a lot of pain as soon as I stand. I don't right now." Switching from her expensive stem cell injections to SoftWave Therapy has improved Cindy's foot after one session.


"This is the third time, I feel a little bit on the heel, but I don't feel the pulling of the foot. Before, I feel it pull and feel it radiate all the way. Now I really don't feel that much at all. It's doing well, it's better." Daryl suffers from plantar fasciitis. After his third SoftWave session, he experienced significant pain relief. 

Efficacy of broad-focused Shockwave Therapy on Plantar Fasciitis

This study found that Shockwave therapy using the OrthoGold 100™ device is effective in reducing pain and improving foot function and quality of life in patients with plantar fasciitis (PF). The study included 108 patients who received 2000 impulses per session for 3 weeks. The treatment led to significant pain reduction and functional improvement with 81.5% of patients reporting satisfaction.

Recovery and Regeneration in Sports Injuries with Shock Wave Therapy

A review of several studies suggests that Shockwave Therapy can improve recovery and regeneration in sports injuries, promoting tissue healing, reducing inflammation, and increasing blood circulation. The therapy has been used to treat tendinopathy, stress fractures, muscle strains, and more, making it a useful tool in the treatment of sports injuries.

Non-Invasive Healing with Shockwave Therapy for Tissue and Bone Disorders

This study investigates the effects of Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) on various tissues such as fractures, osteoarthritis, bone to cartilage, and osteonecrosis of the hip joint. The results show that ESWT enhances angiogenesis and osteogenesis, promoting tissue healing. ESWT has the potential to replace surgery in orthopedic conditions without surgical risks. Overall, ESWT is considered a safe and effective non-invasive treatment option with low complication rates.

New Patient Special

Try SoftWave Therapy for $69 at a clinic near you.

SoftWave FAQs

  • What is SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses patented technology to promote healing at the cellular level, improve blood supply, and initiate the body’s natural healing process. SoftWave is performed with a patented device called the OrthoGold, developed by Tissue Regeneration Technologies, and is available at licensed medical clinics throughout the United States. This FDA(510k) cleared technology produces powerful, broad-focused shock waves delivered during treatment to an injured, scarred, or inflamed region of the body. Treatment typically takes 10-15 minutes, and no anesthesia, numbing agents, or recovery time is required.

  • Where can I go to get SoftWave therapy?

    SoftWave Therapy is performed by licensed clinicians at doctors’ offices, chiropractic and physical therapy clinics, and medical centers across the United States. Click to find a SoftWave provider in your area.

  • What is the SoftWave treatment process like?

    SoftWave is a fast and convenient non-invasive procedure that usually lasts 10-15 minutes, with no downtime required for recovery. First, ultrasound gel is applied, then the SoftWave device is gently placed to deliver shock waves to the injured area. Most patients feel a gentle tapping or pulsing sensation, while some patients may experience mild pain or discomfort. The use of anesthesia or numbing agents is not necessary. Effective communication with the provider during treatment can help identify treatment hotspots and track progress.

    Click to see what SoftWave treatment looks like in action.

  • What results should I expect from SoftWave therapy?

    If you are a candidate for treatment, SoftWave Therapy can provide both immediate and long-lasting results. After one SoftWave session, patients typically experience a 20-50% reduction in pain and improvement in mobility, lasting from a few hours to several days. Some patients require multiple sessions before experiencing improvement.

    To determine if SoftWave is a suitable treatment for you, schedule a $69 New Patient Appointment, where you will receive one SoftWave treatment session, and the provider will assess whether further treatment is appropriate.

    Unlike pain medications and injections, SoftWave treatment seeks to activate the body’s natural healing process at the cellular level to deliver genuine and long-lasting results.

  • Is SoftWave FDA-cleared?

    SoftWave therapy is FDA(510k) cleared for various indications, including improved blood supply, activation of connective tissue, temporary pain relief, treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers, and treatment of acute second-degree burns.

    Moreover, SoftWave is a patented and clinically proven treatment option with a success rate ranging from 60-91% for various musculoskeletal and general pain complaints. This therapy is trusted by renowned medical institutions such as Cleveland Clinic, Shepherd’s Center, and Memorial Sloan Kettering, as well as professional sports teams like the Chicago Cubs and Pittsburgh Steelers.

  • Does SoftWave therapy have side effects?

    Side effects from SoftWave Therapy are minimal and non-restrictive. SoftWave does not cause bruising or swelling, although some patients may experience slight redness and soreness that typically subsides within one to two days. While recovery downtime is not usually needed, we recommend avoiding high-impact movements or exercise for the first 24-48 hours.