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The beneficial effects of in vitro shock wave treatment on cardiomyogenesis

The beneficial effects of in vitro shock wave treatment on cardiomyogenesis

Introduction: In the recent years, more and more evidence for the beneficial effect of shock waves for the treatment of cardiac diseases is arising. Myocardial infarction (MI) and other cardiac diseases are still the number one reason for death as stated by the WHO. In previous experimental and clinical studies it was shown that extracorporeal shock wave treatment (ESWT) significantly improved systolic function, number of blood vessels, angina pectoris symptoms and myocardial blood flow.

Embryoid Bodies (EBS) are commonly used 3D in vitro systems to study early embryonic development. Additionally, when using mouse embryonic cells, they are used as a feasible tool to study cardiomyogenesis. As stated above, there is evidence that ESWT can augment e.g. regeneration after MI, however the underlying mechanisms are still not fully elucidated.

Methods: Therefore we investigated the effects of ESWT on cardiomyogenesis in EBs and analyzed several parameters such as percentage of beating EBs, expression levels of cardiac markers and signaling pathways involved in mechanotransduction, proliferation and differentiation.

Results: We could show a dose dependent effect of shock wave treatment on the percentage of beating EBs. Investigating different signaling pathways, we could demonstrate that the ERK signaling pathway was induced upon ESWT. Moreover, on the molecular level ESWT significantly up-regulated lineage specific and cardiac markers compared to untreated controls.

Discussion: In current experiments we investigate the signaling and regulatory pathways involved in the beneficial effects of ESWT on cardiomyogenesis. The ultimate goal is to provide in vivo researchers and clinicians with a solid base to smooth the way of ESWT into the clinics as an alternative or additive treatment method for various cardiac diseases.

Device and producing company: Dermagold 100 with OP155 applicator, MTS Europe GmbH

Setup: cells in suspension or as Embryoid Bodies / Cardiac Bodies placed in a 15 ml polypropylene tube in a waterbath. This work was supported by the FFG COIN Disease Tissue Project (FFG #845443).


Christiane Fuchs1,2, Anna M. Weihs1,2, Dorota Szwarc1,2, Philipp Heher2,3, Andreas H. Teuschl1,2 and Dominik Rünzler1,2

1University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Department of Biochemical Engineering. Vienna, Austria 2Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration, Austria 3Trauma Care Consult, Vienna, Austria

Fuchs et al. 4th ISMST Basic Research Meeting in Vienna, Austria

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