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Shockwave Therapy Enhances Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes

Shockwave Therapy Enhances Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes

Title of Study: Periodontal cytokines profile under orthodontic force and extracorporeal shock wave stimuli in a rat model

Authors: H. Hazan-Molina, A. Z. Reznick, H. Kaufman, D. Aizenbud

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is recognized for its healing stimulation in various medical conditions, including both acute and chronic inflammatory states. This therapy has now been explored in the context of orthodontics, where the movement of teeth is achieved through the application of force, inducing an inflammatory response in the periodontal tissues that surround the teeth. This inflammation is a critical process in enabling the teeth to move within the jaw.

In a recent study, researchers sought to understand how shockwave therapy influences the inflammation caused by orthodontic procedures. Adult Wistar rats were used for the experiment, where an orthodontic appliance was placed to apply force between the molars and incisors. Alongside this, the test subjects received a single treatment of 1000 shockwaves at the start of the orthodontic force application.

The focus of the study was to observe the expression levels of various inflammatory cytokines, proteins that play a crucial role in the inflammation process, such as RANKL, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. These were measured over three days.

Results showed a notable decrease in the levels of these cytokines in the group treated with shockwaves, compared to a control group that did not receive shockwave therapy. Particularly, on the first day, there was a peak in the staining for IL-1β and RANKL on the side of the teeth experiencing compression, indicating a strong inflammatory response, which was more controlled in the shockwave-treated group.

The findings suggest that using shock wave therapy in conjunction with orthodontic treatments could modify how inflammatory cytokines are expressed, potentially leading to more efficient periodontal remodeling. This could mean quicker and possibly more comfortable tooth movement during orthodontic treatment, marking a significant advancement in dental care.

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