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Non-Invasive Shockwave Therapy Improves Heart Muscle Function

Non-Invasive Shockwave Therapy Improves Heart Muscle Function

Title of study: Defining a Therapeutic Range for Regeneration of Ischemic Myocardium via Shock Waves

Authors: Leo Pölzl, Felix Nägele, Jakob Hirsch, Michael Graber, Daniela Lobenwein, Elke Kirchmair, Rosalie Huber, Christian Dorfmüller, Sophia Lechner, Georg Schäfer, Martin Hermann, Helga Fritsch, Ivan Tancevski, Michael Grimm, Johannes Holfeld & Can Gollmann-Tepeköylü

This study published in Scientific Reports has shown that shockwave therapy (SWT) can be a promising treatment option for patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Ischemic cardiomyopathy is a condition where the heart muscle is weakened due to reduced blood flow, which can lead to heart failure. SWT is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate healing and regeneration in damaged tissue.

The study aimed to define the therapeutic range of shockwave therapy for myocardial regeneration and to determine if cellular damage occurs at therapeutic energies. The results showed that shockwave therapy did not induce cellular damage below energy levels of 0.27 mJ/mm2 total flux density. Endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenic gene expression were enhanced in a dose-dependent manner until 0.15 mJ/mm2 energy flux density. This means that shockwave therapy can induce the regeneration of ischemic muscle without causing cellular damage within the therapeutic range.

Furthermore, the study also demonstrated that shockwave therapy can enhance neovascularization (the formation of new blood vessels) and improve limb perfusion in a dose-dependent manner. This indicates that shockwave therapy can be effective in improving blood flow to the heart muscle, which is important for the treatment of ischemic cardiomyopathy.

The study provides evidence for the dose-dependent induction of angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels) after shockwave therapy, as well as the absence of cellular damage within the therapeutic range. This is a significant finding, as it defines the therapeutic range for shockwave therapy and confirms its potential as a regenerative treatment option for ischemic cardiomyopathy.

Overall, shockwave therapy shows promise as a non-invasive and safe treatment option for patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy.

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