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Non-Invasive Cellulite Reduction with Shockwave and Exercise

Non-Invasive Cellulite Reduction with Shockwave and Exercise

Title of study: Cellulite and focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy for non-invasive body contouring: a randomized trial

Authors: Karsten Knobloch, Beatrice Joest, Robert Krämer, and Peter M. Vogt

A study has found that combining focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) with gluteal muscle strength training can improve the appearance of moderate to severe cellulite. Cellulite, which appears as dimpling on the skin, affects many women, and can be difficult to treat. The study, which was a randomized-controlled trial, involved 65 female participants aged 18-65 with cellulite.

One group received six sessions of focused ESWT at both the gluteal and thigh regions, along with gluteal strength exercise training. The other group received six sessions of a SHAM-ESWT treatment (placebo treatment) and gluteal strength exercise training. The Cellulite Severity Scale (CSS) was used to assess the effectiveness of the treatments. The CSS was determined by two blinded, independent assessors.

The study found that the combination of non-invasive, focused ESWT and gluteal strength training was significantly more effective in improving the appearance of cellulite than gluteal strength training and SHAM-ESWT. The results showed a mean improvement of 2.53 on the CSS scale in the ESWT group, compared to a mean improvement of only 0.1 in the SHAM-ESWT group.

Focused ESWT has been previously shown to improve wound healing and skin regeneration, such as in burn wounds and scars. This study adds to the evidence that ESWT can also be beneficial for improving the appearance of cellulite. While the study only looked at the short-term effects, the researchers suggest that further research is needed to evaluate the long-term effects and sustainability of these results.

Overall, the study suggests that combining focused ESWT with exercise training can be an effective non-invasive treatment option for improving the appearance of cellulite in women.

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