Dr. Jeremy Wagnon
“Can Chiropractic Help My Son with Daily Headaches?”
This was the question that started me in my chiropractic journey. My mother was seeing a chiropractor after an auto accident for neck pain. After a few months of care, she brought up the fact that her son (me) had terrible daily headaches.
I would sit in the hallway when they were severe enough and slam the back of my head repeated into the wall behind me. This would temporarily provide me with pain relief or at least a distraction. She was surprised when the chiropractor said that she has seen “headbangers” before, and that those kids usually respond very well to chiropractic care.
It only took me one adjustment to realize the power of chiropractic. I remember having a mild headache during my first visit, which I knew was on its way to becoming severe. After my first adjustment though, the headache was gone. I have never had those headaches since that day. I kept going as my chiropractor suggested, and soon my father, brother and sisters were all under chiropractic care.