Dr. David Lee

Dr. Lee is happily married with three children, a son-in-law, and two grandchildren. He received his first doctorate degree in 1983. Second Doctorate in Public Health, 1998. Still in private practice today, he has participated and collected extensive credentials. Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in Georgia; Licensed Doctor of Chiropractic in Florida; American Disability and Evaluation Research Institute; National Association of Disability Evaluation Physicians; Consultant for State Farm; Allstate, Colonial Penn, Geico, The Hartford, Progressive Insurance companies; Continuing Education instructor for American Medical Association’s A4M, Logan College, Life University, Nutri-West Pharmacy grade nutrition, College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders, Lead Nationwide Instructor for Brimhall Wellness, cold Laser Instructor Erchonia Medical, C.P.R Wellness, Nationwide Lead Instructor, Professor of Pediatrics and Senior Clinical Proficiency Life University, Nationwide sole instructor Phytobiophysics U.S.A.; Auricular Medicine; Acupuncture; Activator Methods; Medix Microscopy and Terrain Flow Techniques; Thompson Techniques; S.O.T.; Applied Kinesiology; past local Atlanta pro sports team physician and frequent guest speaker on radio and television programs